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Information: Safety & Support
Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use. Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
v1.12.0 - 28-November-2024
- New Feature: Introduced a new WP-Portfolio block, allowing you to create and customize portfolios seamlessly in block-based themes.
- Improvement: Enhanced compatibility with WordPress 6.7.1 for a smoother experience.
v1.11.9 - 18-July-2024
- Improvement: Added 'aria-label' attributes for improved accessibility in links.
- Improvement: WordPress version 6.6 compatibility added.
- Fix: Activate License option not visible.
- Fix: Added support for browser back button to close portfolio items.
- Fix: Security scanner showing warning for minified JS files.
v1.11.8 - 21-November-2023
- Improvement: Added compatibility to PHP version 8.1.
- Improvement: Added compatibility to WordPress version 6.4.1.
- Improvement: Added support to WordPress VIP rule-set.
- Fix: Issue with WP-CLI mechanism.