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WP Frontend Admin (Premium)

WP Frontend Admin (Premium) 1.22.5 NULLED

= 1.22.5 - 2025-01-27 =
* CHANGE - Multitenant - Disable the "master admin" mode for tenant sites
* CHANGE - Add body class to the frontend pages
* CHANGE - Fix php warnings on php 8.2
* CHANGE - Update dependencies
* FIX - Compatibility issue with Brizy
* FIX - Make the post type filter work when users don't have edit_posts capability but have access to other post types
* FIX - The site selector doesn't hide the current site or switch correctly sometimes
= 1.22.3 - 2024-10-01 =
* CHANGE - Unset WPMU settings when we detect the site is running in WildCloud
* CHANGE - Improve WildCloud compatibility
* CHANGE - Improve compatibility with Eventin plugin.
* FIX - Remove the X-FRAME-OPTIONS header added by WP
* FIX - Elementor - Disable the element cache when the page uses our shortcode to prevent content issues
* FIX - WooCommerce - Prevent ever-growing height on mobile for WC admin pages
* FIX - Multitenant - Redirect loop in some rare cases
= 1.20.0 - 2023-04-26 =
* NEW - Added wizard to automatically create your dashboard pages and auto import templates
* CHANGE - Allow to redirect to a custom URL for disallowed pages
* FIX - Sites selector shortcode is broken
* FIX - Sometimes the page flickers when there are multiple shortcode instances and some visible popups
  • Like
Reactions: MarkDragon
= 1.19.0 - 2023-01-11 =
* NEW - Add option to allow some users to only create users with certain roles
* NEW - Add shortcode to display the dashboard URL [wp_frontend_admin_dashboard_url path="/"]
* NEW - Allow to activate your platform license using a constant in wp-config.php: define('WPFA_LICENSE_KEY', 'license key here');
* NEW - WP Ultimo > Allow to restrict pages for site owners only
* CHANGE - Performance improvements related to menu restrictions
* CHANGE - Updated Freemius SDK
* CHANGE - Prevent mistakes if they add wrong URLs in the shortcode
* CHANGE - Add option to hide columns in the media library screen
* CHANGE - Improve the elementor integration
* FIX - Hide elements > show all - it doesn't restore the visibility correctly sometimes
* FIX - Hide elements - it doesn't hide elements that have invalid ids
* FIX - Show own posts option doesn't work on media library pages
* FIX - Customizer close button leads to the wrong page.
= 1.18.0 - 2022-09-27 =
* NEW - Allow to select which site to preview for the customizations
* NEW - Allow to configure screen options for all users at once
* NEW - Add shortcode to display the amount of posts with specific status, useful for menu badges or front end dashboard alerts
* NEW - Allow to restrict dashboard pages based on the active theme
* CHANGE - Add body classes related to WP Ultimo
* CHANGE - Performance optimizations
* CHANGE - Allow to display the wp screen options in the front end
* CHANGE - Improve compatibility with FluentCRM
* CHANGE - Improve compatibility with the wp customizer
* CHANGE - Improve the access restrictions
* CHANGE - Improve compatibility with wp ultimo's checkout
* CHANGE - Improve compatibility with Brizy
* CHANGE - Improve compatibility with Groundhogg
* CHANGE - Improve compatibility with Elementor
* CHANGE - Allow to define default editor for individual post types
* CHANGE - Improve the logout redirects
* CHANGE - Add compatibility with WordFence recaptcha v3 and recaptcha v3 provided by other plugins
* CHANGE - Prevent redirect loops
* FIX - Sometime there is a redirect loop after log in
* FIX - The custom admin color is not applying to some elements
* FIX - Improve the text editor
* FIX - Dashboard pages become restricted when they were assigned a WP Ultimo plan and the plan was deleted later