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WP Crowdfunding Pro

WP Crowdfunding Pro 11.2.1 NULLED


WP Crowdfunding Pro NULLED - The Ultimate Fundraising WordPress Plugin​

WP Crowdfunding is a revolutionary WordPress plugin that helps you create a fundraising or backer site with WordPress. This plugin is based on WooCommerce. It has a native wallet system for accepting local payments. WP Crowdfunding has the facility to split the money through Stripe Connect. It’s a full fledged crowdfunding system.

Based on WooCommerce​

WP Crowdfunding uses the power of WooCommerce to accept and manage pledges from backers. We’ve deeply paired the world’s renowned e-commerce system for WordPress with our crowdfunding plugin.
  • Sets up the backing mechanism inside
  • Intuitive functionalities for backers

Native Wallet System​

WP Crowdfunding Native Wallet system keeps track of funds raised on a crowdfunding project. The project owner can send a withdraw request to the admin after raising a certain amount of money. It calculates the withdrawable project funds, website commissions and generates statistics.
  • Keep track of the raised amount
  • Send a withdraw request
  • Manage raised funds

Stripe Connect​

Stripe Connect payment system is very useful for crowdfunding sites to seamlessly send the money to the project owner and the admin at a time (as configured). WP Crowdfunding offers this facility by supporting Stripe Connect.
  • Distribute money seamlessly
  • Easy and smooth integration

Frontend Operations​

From registration to the project submission form, everything is frontend in WP Crowdfunding. Users can add or update projects in a comfortable, easy to use interface.
  • Add payment methods
  • Enjoy automated calculation
  • Raise, transfer & manage money

Money Management​

WP Crowdfunding offers a versatile money management system. Payment methods like PayPal, Stripe, Skrill, cards, all are supported.
  • Add payment methods
  • Enjoy automated calculation
  • Raise, transfer & manage money
11.2.1 NULLEDVersion
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
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