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WP Adminify PRO - Powerhouse Toolkit WordPress Dashboard

WP Adminify PRO - Powerhouse Toolkit WordPress Dashboard NULLED

= (08-01-2025) =
* Updated: Menu Editor 'hidden_for' for User Name issue fixed
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Reactions: edgars221289
= (26-11-2024) =
* fixed: broken link issue
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Reactions: edgars221289
= (26-11-2024) =
* Fixed: Fuctionalities to dismiss module conflict notice in admin panel
* Fixed: Fuctionalities to dismiss plugin update info notice
* Fixed: Solved admin menu not expanding in mobile version issue
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Reactions: edgars221289
= (23-10-2024) =
* Update: Plugin Information popup issue fixed
= (16-09-2024) =
* Update: Minor udpate
= (11-09-2024) =
* Fixed: Schedule Dark Mode warning issue fixed
* Fixed: Account URL issue from Plugins page fixed
* Updated: String Typo on several places fixed
* Updated: Add Separator for Free and Pro issue fixed
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Reactions: Jailander
= (02-09-2024) =
* Added: Dashboard Welcome Widget added
* Added: 'Reset Section' option added for option settings
* Update: Duplicate WP Adminify Menu issue fixed
* Fixed: 12 pre-defined scripts for Frontend Custom CSS and JS issue fixed
* Fixed: Menu Editor blank menu show issue fixed
* Fixed: Horizontal Menu issue fixed
= (26-08-2024) =
* Fixed: Coupon Code not working issue fixed
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Reactions: edgars221289
= (25-03-2024) =
* Update: Dark Mode switcher issue fixed