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WordPress Automatic Plugin

WordPress Automatic Plugin 3.109.2 NULLED

still the issue with the gpt mode
- Using OpenAI key: sk-or-v1-2**********
- Using model: google/gemini-2.0-flash-thinking-exp:free
OpenAI API call failed: License is not valid, please visit the plugin settings page and add your correct purchase code
WONDERFULL PLEASE UPDATE NEW VERSION, ERROR "OpenAI API call failed:License is not valid, please visit the plugin settings page and add your correct purchase code"
При попытке работы с TikTok выдаёт такое:
Could not generate x-bogus value:
Could not generate x-bogus value:License is not valid, please visit the plugin settings page and add your correct purchase code
WP Automatic changed something and now the AI doesn't work Open.ai with WP Automatic!!

Status: 0
error responseText: undefined
If this error persists, please visit the plugin settings page and enable the option named "Disable register_shutdown_function". This could be a solution
Do you perhaps already have version 3.92.0?
Very interesting plugin.
The setup is complicated in some places, but the results are great!