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Word count for articles

Word count for articles 1.1.0

Michael Russell
Word count for articles.png

This module displays a list of articles on a Joomla website, who wrote them and (optionally) a link to the each article and the word count for each article. A “word” is defined as a string of text with a space (or multiple spaces, including non-breaking spaces) following it. You can choose to analyse the word count for published and archived articles or include trashed and unpublished articles in the analysis. The module lists the articles in descending order (i.e. the longest articles to the shortest) together with the word count (x) for each article and a statistical analysis of the number of articles (|x|), the shortest article (xmin), the longest article (xmax), mean word count per article () and standard deviation (σ) also plotted on a normal distribution chart at the end.

It is not recommended that the module be used to analyse websites with many thousands of articles—because all the contents of a website’s articles need to be loaded into memory—and certainly you wouldn’t want to display a list of “thousands” of articles. I would recommend that you set a limit of, say, a few hundred articles at the most. The performance of the module depends on how many articles you want to analyse and the length of your articles. Also the output produced by the module is fairly wide and may not be suited to a template’s “sidebar” position; it looks best if displayed in a position that is more than 975px wide. I would recommend that you place the module within an article using Joomla's {loadposition} or {loadmodule} feature.
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