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WooCommerce Simple Auctions - WordPress Auctions Plugin

WooCommerce Simple Auctions - WordPress Auctions Plugin 3.0.5

** Version 3.0.5 **
- Fix: autocharge credit card
- Fix: autocharge charge shipping fee
- Fix: add watchlist link in Elementor
- Fix: RankMath support for base page
- Fix: end message in product loop
- Fix: cron check
** Version 3.0.4 **
- Fix: performance
- Fix: shortcodes
- Fix: icons in product list
- Fix: mixing all taxonomy products when "Do not mix" auctions and products
** Version 2.1.2 **
- Fix: is_array check shortcode fix
- Fix: code cleanup
- Fix: Elementor bug - wrong template loaded
** Version 2.1.1 **
- Fix: recent bids template path
- Fix: warning
- Add: latest bids Elementor widget number of items
** Version 2.1.0 **
- Add: anti snipping now integrated feature - if a bid is placed during the final moments of an auction then the auction can be extended for a specified amount of time
- Add: latest bids Elementor widget
- Fix: featured and gallery image when duplicating auction
- Fix: buy now products missing from my auctions shortcode
** Version 2.0.20 **
- Fix: product gallery problem introduced in v2.0.19
- Fix: buy now for virtual downloadable auction
- Fix: shortcode paging with WPML
** Version 2.0.19 **
- Fix: language
- Fix: Elementor auctions archive
- Fix: WPML product images
- Add: filters woocommerce_simple_auctions_relist_auction_from_time, woocommerce_simple_auctions_relist_auction_to_time
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