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WooCommerce Product Bundles

WooCommerce Product Bundles 8.3.3

2025.02.11 - version 8.3.3
* New - Added support for Name Your Price products in Bundle-Sells.
* Fix - Support multiple Bundle forms of the same Bundle on a page.
* New - Introduced the 'woocommerce_bundled_item_title_is_link' hook to control over the bundled items title link.
* New - Added compatibility with the Receipts Rendering Engine.
2024.11.20 - version 8.2.0
* New - Important: Product Bundles now requires Product Add-Ons 7.2+ for the integration between the two plugins to work.
* New - Important: Product Bundles now requires Composite Products 10.2+ for the integration between the two plugins to work.
* New - Added support for pre-populating bundled product add-ons when clicking on a cart item link.
* Fix - Resolved an issue that caused order totals to be incorrectly updated when editing an bundled order item in the admin context.
* Fix - Resolved an issue that caused 'Add to cart' to be displayed instead of 'Select options' when a bundled product had required add-ons.
* Fix - Fixes an issue with Add-On validation when editing an order in the admin context.
* Fix - Resolved the deprecation introduced in WC 9.3.0 by inheriting the reporting class conditionally.
* Fix - Resolved an issue that made the remove-item endpoint return a wrongfully formatted value.
* Fix - Used correct icon for the Product Data > Bundled Products tab.
* Fix - Fixed queries producing database errors in the logs.
2024.10.02 - version 8.1.1
* Tweak - Improved keyboard usability and accessibility for bundle type selection.
* Tweak - Improved error notice when a Bundle in the cart can no longer be purchased.
* Fix - Fixed a compatibility issue with Product Add-ons that prevented configuring product bundles.
2024.09.03 - version 8.0.3
* New - When 'Hide out of stock items from the catalog' is enabled, hide bundles with insufficient stock in Upsells, among other places.
* Fix - Fixed fatal error in own version of WP_Background_Process.
* Fix - Resolved deprecation notice in Cart block.
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Reactions: ViktorGugo
2023.08.28 - version 6.22.3
* Fix - Important: Updated the 'bundle-add-to-cart-wrap.php' template to resolve an issue that prevented Bundle notices from showing up when the mini-cart block was used.
* Tweak - Use admin theme colors in admin.
* Fix - Ensure that the 'Currently editing' notice shows up in the block-based Single Product Template when editing a Bundle.
* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented the Minimum/Maximum size validation from running on the block-based Single Product template.
2023.07.05 - version 6.22.1
* Fix - Resolved an issue with Bundle totals in the block-based cart when the number of displayed decimals was 0.
2023.01.23 - version 6.17.4
* New - Introduced 'woocommerce_bundled_item_get_unfiltered_regular_price_start' and 'woocommerce_bundled_item_get_unfiltered_regular_price_end' action hooks.
* Fix - Fixed a PHP warning that showed up when importing products without bundled items.
* Fix - Fixed tracking data for priced individually bundled items whose prices are hidden in product templates.
2022.09.13 - version 6.17.0
* Important - PHP 7.0 is now required.
* Tweak - Prevent the 'Optional' box from being checked when the Minimum Quantity is zero.
* Fix - Fixed a fatal error that was triggered by the Min/Max Quantities integration when an old version of the extension was in use.