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WooCommerce Order Status Manager

WooCommerce Order Status Manager 1.15.5

2025.02.19 - version 1.15.5
* Fix - Ensure the `checkout-draft` and `pending` statuses are always recognized as requiring payment. Note: upgrades will restore those statuses to your database if they don’t already exist or have previously been removed.
2024.10.21 - version 1.15.4
* Fix - The `wc-checkout-draft` status has been automatically updated to change its "Paid" setting to "Orders with this status require payment". This fixes issues with block checkout for some gateways.
2023.07.11 - version 1.15.2
* Fix - Do not query order refunds when generating download permissions in upgrade routine
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Reactions: ramin_pe
2023.07.04 - version 1.15.0
* Misc - Add compatibility for WooCommerce High Performance Order Storage (HPOS)