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WooCommerce Order Delivery

WooCommerce Order Delivery 2.6.5

2024-11-05 - version 2.6.5
* Feature - Add new setting to default delivery date at checkout to the first available date for delivery
* Fix - When evaluating shipping methods, address an issue that may have thrown a PHP warning in some installations
2023-09-25 - version 2.6.0
* Feature - Use different texts than delivery on local pickup orders.
* Tweak - Don't calculate the shipping date for local pickup orders.
* Tweak - Display empty the 'Shipping date' column in the order list for local pickup orders.
* Tweak - Changed the delivery section title in the checkout form to 'Delivery details'.
* Tweak - Don't display the delivery heading in the checkout form if the text is empty.
* Tweak - Added specific CSS classes to the delivery section in the checkout form.
* Tweak - Updated the title of the subscription delivery metabox.
* Tweak - Optimized the number of strings in the translation file.
* Tweak - Updated plugin author.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WC 8.1.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility up to WP 6.3.
* Fix - Address PHP 8.1+ deprecation notices.
* Dev - Dropped deprecated filter hook `wc_od_get_order_shipping_method`.
* Dev - Dropped deprecated plugin code up to version 2.3.
* Dev - Dropped `woo-includes/` files.
* Dev - Updated plugin templates.
2023-02-16 - version 2.4.1
* Fix - Fixed fatal error when loading the customizer.
* Dev - Include the table columns parameter when filtering the position of the delivery columns in the order list table.
2022-12-07 - version 2.3.1
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WC 7.2.
* Fix - Fixed error when fetching a non-existing shipping zone by ID.
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2022-11-14 - version 2.2.3
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WC 7.0.
* Tweak - Tested compatibility with WP 6.1.
* Fix - The calendar wasn't shown again when scrolling on a mobile device until clicking on a different element.
* Dev - Updated bootstrap-datepicker.js library.
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