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WooCommerce Mix and Match Products

WooCommerce Mix and Match Products 2.7.8

2025.01.17 - version 2.7.8
* Fix: Write error to WooCommerce>Status>Logs if child item cannot be saved to DB.
* Fix: Show an admin notice in product editor if child items cannot be saved.
* Fix: Show update notice in product metabox.
* Tweak: Harden foreign key checking on update.
2024.08.22 - version 2.7.7
* Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.2.0.
* Fix: Remove image link from thumbnail if theme does not support wc-product-gallery-lightbox.
* Fix: Set validation context to cart if $_GET['update-container'] is set. Fixes display of button text in mobile footer plugin when editing in cart.
* Fix: Change form validation context to edit when switching subscriptions.
2023.06.13 - version 2.4.6
* Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 7.7.0.
* Fix: Use `registerCheckoutFilters` graduated filter in Blocks plugin.
* Fix: Use WC_MNM_Helpers:get_supported_product_types() to define excluded product types automatically in metabox product selector.
* Fix: Allow input quantity to decrease if the container is overfill for any reason.
* Fix: Update single-product/mnm/mnm-product-quantity.php template to remove errant </span> markup.
* Fix: Legacy meta class fatal error when trying to read Pre-1.10 data.
* Fix: Hide child item's stock remaining when parent is out of stock. #499.
* Dev: Rename `wc_mnm_supported_products` filter to `wc_mnm_supported_product_types`