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WooCommerce Email Template Customizer Plugin

WooCommerce Email Template Customizer Plugin 1.2.9

/**1.2.9 - 2024.12.20**/
- Fixed: The price display in the cross-sell section of the emails for product on discount
- Updated: Display correctly for order items on Outlook (classic)
- Updated: Compatible with WC 9.5
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Reactions: zilog357
/**1.2.8 - 2024.11.22**/
- Updated: Compatible with WC 9.4 and WP 6.7
- Updated: Add an additional variable $order to the filer 'viwec_find_email_template_id_with_rule_order'
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Reactions: zilog357
/**1.2.6 - 2024.09.19**/
- Fixed: Errors from customers' feedback
/**1.2.2 - 2023.10.13**/
- Fixed: Fixed order price rule
- Updated: Compatible with WC 8.2
/**1.2.1 - 2023.10.10**/
- Updated: Updated order price rule and payment methods
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
/**1.1.17 - 2023.03.08**/
- Fixed: Fixed shortcode not working in subject
- Updated: Compatible with 'Onea' theme by Elated Themes
- Updated: Add filter hook suggest product image 'viwec_suggest_product_thumb' - Accepts any registered image size name, or an array of width and height values in pixels (in that order). Default 'woocommerce_thumbnail'
- Updated: Add filter hook hidden subtotal when empty discount 'viwec_hidden_subtotal_epmty_discount'
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Reactions: bb005
/**1.1.15 - 2022.12.21**/
- Fixed: Fixed with style WooCommerce
- Updated: Compatible with WooCommerce Order Status Manager
- Updated: Compatible with plugin Germanized for WooCommerce
/**1.1.14 - 2022.11.18**/
- Updated: Option priority for rule
- Updated: Add parameter 'meta_customer_order' for shortcode '[wec_order_meta ]' to get user meta. Allowed value : meta_customer_order='yes'
- Updated: Compatible with WC 7.1.0
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Reactions: tatar221