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WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts

WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts 2.4.6

Version 2.4.6, 16 September 2023
* Feature - Cart item data condition
* Feature - Months condition to target specific months every year
* Feature - Days of month condition including separate 'last day' option
* Fix - Problems applying regular coupons under some conditions
* Fix - Quick editing a product applies frontend discounts in the backend temporarily
* Tweak - Declared compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS
* Tweak - Option to hide non-purchasable quantities in volume pricing table
* Tweak - Option to display both discounted price and percentage in volume pricing table
* Tweak - Option to include all product price adjustments in volume pricing table
* Tweak - Last day, week, month, and year options for conditions with timeframes
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements
* Dev - New filter rp_wcdpd_applicable_rules_for_product
Version 2.4.5, 11 September 2022
* Feature - New promotion tool "Cart Item Descriptions" to display public descriptions
* Feature - Option to prevent regular coupon use when product pricing rules apply
* Fix - Regular price not displayed when product is discounted
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements