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WooCommerce Buy One Get One Free

WooCommerce Buy One Get One Free 5.5.4

2024-12-21 - version 5.5.4
* Fix - The Usage count function returns a wrong value when the HPOS feature is enabled.
2024-10-23 - version 5.4.0
* Fix - PHP Warning: "Creation of dynamic property is deprecated" in PHP 8.2 and later.
* Fix - WooCommerce 9.3 deprecated warnings.
* Fix - The "Exclude sale items" coupon option breaks the "Get the cheapest item for free" promotion type.
2024-10-04 - version 5.3.4
* Add - Filter to customize the "Available gift notice" placement when the style is WooCommerce Notice.
* Fix - Bug on the multicurrency support for the "Cart subtotal" condition.
* Fix - The "Available gift notice" is not display at correct place on some themes.
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Reactions: edgars221289
2024-08-08 - version 5.3.2
* Fix: Cheapest free promotion - Product price is zero when the quantity is updated using an AJAX call.
2024-05-09 - version 5.1.3
* Add - Multicurrency support for the "Cart subtotal" condition. Supported plugins: "Price Based on Country by Oscar Gare", " WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency with WPML by OnTheGoSystems", "CURCY – Multi Currency for WooCommerce by VillaTheme" and "FOX - Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce by realmag777"
2024-02-13 - version 5.0.0
* Add - Compatible with WooCommerce 8.5+.
* Add - Declare compatible with the Cart and Checkout blocks.
* New - Display "Free Gifts" in a Pop-up window.
* New - Display the available gifts notice in a default WooCommerce notice or an "announcement bar".
* New - Customizations option for the Free Gifts" Pop-up and notice.
* Fix - The available gifts notice displays when there is no stock for the gift products.
* Fix - Minor bugs.
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Reactions: MarkDragon
2023-09-29 - version 4.1.2
* Add - Compatible with WooCommerce 8.1+.
* Fix - Fatal error "Cannot declare class" when WooCommerce Multilingual" and "Polylang" are enabled simultaneously.
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH