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WooCommerce Attribute Swatches by Iconic

WooCommerce Attribute Swatches by Iconic 1.20.0 NULLED

**v1.20.0** (19 Feb 2025)
[update] Licensing.
**v1.19.0** (04 Sep 2024)
[new] WooCommerce Product Block editor compatibility
[new] Compatibility with CURCY - WooCommerce Multi Currency plugin
[new] Developer filter: `iconic_was_attribute_option_value`
[fix] Accordion on the product page for block-based themes
[fix] Replace deprecated `FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING`
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Reactions: edgars221289
**v1.17.0** (24 Aug 2023)
[new] New licensing system
[fix] Do not show product specific swatch data for simple products in WLV
[fix] Fees are now added to manually created order items
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Reactions: edgars221289
**v1.16.1** (6 Jun 2023)
[fix] Fixed an issue affecting visibility of the fees table for custom attributes.
**v1.14.2** (2 Jan 2023)
[fix] WOOCS: Cart item price currency now changes correctly
**v1.14.0** (23 Sep 2022)
[fix] Attribute fees are now properly calculated for mini-cart line item prices