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WooCommerce Anti Fraud

WooCommerce Anti Fraud 6.0.5

2025-01-23 - version 6.0.5
* Update: PLUGINS-2851 - ReCaptcha: Check Iframe Blocking Compatibility.
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Reactions: edgars221289
2024-12-29 - version 6.0.4
* Update: PLUGINS-2844 - Velocity attack prevention.
2024-11-27- version 6.0.2
* Update: Check plugin against latest WP and Woo.
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Reactions: edgars221289
2024-10-18 - version 6.0.0
* Update: PLUGINS-2730 - Protection for card Attacks via API.
* Update: PLUGINS-2681 - Velocity Attack Order Processing Delay setting.
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Reactions: edgars221289
2024-10-03 - version 5.9.4
* Fix: PLUGINS-2746 - Type E_ERROR | Uncaught TypeError: array_unique() on line 365.
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Reactions: edgars221289
2024-09-13 - version 5.9.2
* Add: PLUGINS-1358 - Check orders once only.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2085 - Updates for the dashboard page.
2024-03-20 - version 5.8.2
* Add: PLUGINS-1063 - Multilingual support for ES, FR, PT, NL, DE, ZH, IT, PL, RU, TR, AR, SV, EL, HU, DA.
2023-10-19 - version 5.6.0
* New: PLUGINS-2289 - Trust Swiftly Integration.
2022-12-16 - version 4.9
* PLUGINS-1951 - Dash message recommending recaptcha activation.
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Reactions: tatar221