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Woo Discount Rules PRO

Woo Discount Rules PRO 2.6.5 NULLED

= 2.6.5 - 14/08/24 =
* Improved: Enhanced product search functionality.
* Improved: label changes.
= 2.6.4 -10/06/24 =
* Add: collection data in order meta
* Fix: Report time zone
= 2.6.3 - 20/02/24 =
* Add: Compatibility for WordPress 6.4
* Add: Compatibility for WooCommerce 8.6
* Improved: Plugin name changed
* Fix: Warnings when enabled "Suppress third party discount plugins" option in settings
= 2.6.2 - 02/02/24 =
* Add: Support for Woocommerce 8.5
* Add: Support for WordPress 6.4.
  • Like
Reactions: MarkDragon
= 2.6.1 - 08/05/23 =
* Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_matched_set_discount_range.
* Add: Support collection addon(v1.2.0) on BXGY.
* Fix: Tax not included on discount table for variable products.
* Fix: BXGY variants not working on few cases.
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Reactions: abuji and GhRG87FGH
= 2.5.3 - 16/01/23 =
* Fix: Validation fix on creating rules [Pro].
* Fix: The cheapest product does not receive a discount when variant together option is enabled [Pro].
* Fix: Error on variation is not an array [Pro].
* Fix: Condition doesn't match when have Match any option with user role condition [Pro].
* Fix: On-sale page shows incorrect data while have attribute in filters [Pro].
= 2.5.2 - 09/11/22 =
* Add: Support for WordPress 6.1.
* Fix: SKU filter displays wrong value, when having space in SKU.
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Reactions: tatar221
= 2.5.0 - 01/11/22 =
* Improvement: Added applied discount info in order and order item meta _wdr_discounts.
* Improvement: Set 3 for 10 fixed .1 difference on subtotal.
* Improvement: Show free shipping rule reports since v2.5.0.
* Add: Show total order count and sales on report section.
* Fix: Disable coupon option doesn't working with free shipping.
* Fix: Applied message is not displaying in cart for free shipping.
* Fix: Limit option is not working with Free shipping.
* Fix: Warning on PHP 8.
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
= 2.4.5 - 27/09/22 =
* Improvement: Backend field validation.
* Improvement: Condition and filter matches on any operation.
* Fix: Applying discount more than discount quantity on set and BXGY.
* Fix: Quantity issue on set discount while manual request.
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Reactions: tatar221