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Version 1.8.12 (Mar 3th.2025)

- Fixed: Security issues reported by Envato in function wolmart_loadmore()
- Updated: Compatibility with WooCommerce version 9.4
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with YITH WooCommerce Wishlist plugin (version 4.0.1)
- Fixed: Multilingual support for menu names, ensuring proper functionality across languages
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Reactions: raz0r
+ Added - Compatibility with Elementor 3.24
+ Added - Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.3
+ Added - Elementor container base style
+ Added - Free Shipping bar on Single Product, Cart, Checkout and Cart Offcanvas/Dropdown
+ Added - Show Ads banner on mobile fullscreen search
+ Added - Show sold count on single product page
+ Added - Line clamp option to theme option for product loop title
+ Added - Sticky option to Elementor Container
+ Added - "rel" attribute to the "Next" and "Previous" buttons in the pagination for SEO
- Updated - Demo 28 intro banner on mobile
- Updated - Align option of heading widget as responsive option
- Fixed - WCML Currency Switcher not working on AJAX actions
- Fixed - Style of checkout page
- Fixed - Label issue on product loop type 10
- Fixed - Style isn't rendered correctly above WPBakery 7.6
- Fixed - Background issue of elementor section and column
- Fixed - Compatibility issue with wcfm
- Fixed - Issue that mb_substr isn't existed
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Reactions: raz0r
+ Added: Compatibility with WPBakery Page Builder plugin version 7.9
- Fixed: Compatibility issue with Elementor version 3.23.4 affecting the Wolmart settings button
- Fixed: Malfunction of the "Add to Cart" button for variable products on the Wishlist page
- Fixed: Product search functionality not working for Dokan vendor products page
- Fixed: Multilingual URLs not working for the banner element and video popup
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Reactions: raz0r