The default language of any content posted is English. Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
Information: Safety & Support
Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use. Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
Updated the API URL tooltip in Advanced Settings > API
Added no-cache header to API responses to prevent caching of API responses
Fixed issue where the per level Custom After Logout redirect is not being processed
Supported “Select All” to in levels dropdown
Fix slow search and timeout issue in Manage Member screen for sites with a lots of members
Fixed broken registration date updates when date/time format contains backwards slashes or if the format is non-standard
Fixed issue where per level after registration page is displayed instead of the “email requires confirmation” or “admin requires approval” page if these are enabled
Supported on-page payment form by adding on_page=1 to the wlm_stripe_btn shortcode
Indicate archived prices in the product plans selection area
Improved shortcode creator
Fixed broken wlm_stripe_profile shortcode
Disable the Pay button after the clicking if a successful token has been created. Also change the “Pay” text to “Processing”
Added extra checking for Stripe Invoice ID for recurring events
Fixed issue where the correct transaction ID for Stripe (CustomerID + Price ID) is not being returned on subscription cycle webhook events
Added a warning message when both Keap Shopping Cart and Email Provider are enabled and both are using the same Keap Account/API Key
Adjusted the width of the “Order Form Web Page URL” on the Keap Payment Provider setting
Updated the warning text in both the Keap integration
Fixed Minor Grammar issue / text change
Fixed issue where cannot remove the member from a level connected to the LearnDash Course
Fixed issue where cannot add member to the same level when removed from it even if LearnDash is not active
Fixed an issue where removing users from a level which is tied to a course action will cause a loop if they have a membership left that isn’t tied to any course actions
Fixed an issue where set_membership_levels() won’t work when the user will be left with 0 levels after removal of level tied to a LearnDash course
Fixed a bug that causes two accounts to be created for a single purchase due to the auto-complete setting triggering after the delay while the user is still in the registration form
Fixed history of levels with an immediate level action not recording the trigger action
Fixed the issue with export members dates not following the WordPress date and time format
Fixed exported members file dates does not follow the WordPress date and time format
Content Scheduler
Fixed an issue where enabling Object Cache Pro will cause “404 page not found” error message when trying to access a page that contains scheduled content
Fixed Dashboard Support section links
Fixed a bunch of PHP errors, warnings and notices
Fixed broken “Lost your Password” link in WishList Member login form
Added tooltips for the Member Action button shortcode creator
Replaced video tutorial links with links to the knowledgebase instead
Added Easy Affiliates and Monster Insights support for – Simple Checkout integration
Added Easy Affiliates and Monster Insights supports for – Automatic Recurring Billing integration
Fixed custom registration form issue where radio buttons and checkboxes trigger the “Duplicate Name” error preventing the form from being saved