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Wholesale B2B

PrestaShop Wholesale B2B 1.1.5


Turn PrestaShop into professional wholesale platform, wholesale registration, private shop, wholesale levels with particular discounts and rewards, loyalty rewards, quick order table and more!

Wholesale B2B is the must-have module for any PrestaShop store that is doing wholesale.

It is a simple, easy to use PrestaShop wholesale module that lets you focus on growing the business and attracting more wholesale customers!

Wholesale registration

Customers register to become wholesale customers, once their application is approved, they can start to make orders as wholesale customers and taking benefits of wholesale price and wholesale loyalty rewards.

Private shop

You can set your PrestaShop store as a “private shop” – only allow registered wholesale customers to access and purchase products on your “private shop”.

Wholesale B2B enables you to set private status for the entire PrestaShop store or set private status for selected categories only.

Multiple wholesale levels with customizable discounts

Wholesale B2B module offers wholesale discounts on your selected categories and products, with multiple pricing levels based on the level of wholesale customer. For example:
  • Level 1: discount rate – 5%, minimum order amount – 100$;
  • Level 2: discount rate – 15%, minimum order amount – 500$;
  • Level 3: discount rate – 25%, minimum order amount – 2500$;
  • etc.
Using Wholesale B2B, you can easily create and configure different wholesale levels with specific discount rates. The wholesale customer will be automatically updated to higher level when they reach a threshold amount of order.

Reward points (loyalty program for wholesale customer)

Encourage wholesale customers to purchase more by giving them rewards every time they make an order. These rewards can be used to pay for their next orders, convert into vouchers or withdraw to their bank account.

Easily buy products with large quantity

Our PrestaShop wholesale module provides quick order table to help wholesale customers quickly complete orders with large quantity of products.
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Reactions: abuji and lizg0
  • Version 1.1.5
  • Downloads 63
  • Views 853
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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