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What's New Digest

Xenforo What's New Digest 5.1.0

Simon Hampel
This XenForo 2.x addon sends daily, weekly or emails to users with a list of top new threads and top updated threads.

Important changes for v5.0:
  • the default option is now to honour the "Receive new and update emails" option in user preferences. You will need to turn this off in the settings to retain the current behaviour.

Configuration settings:




A test tool is included to validate settings and to send test emails:


Users can set their preferred email delivery period, daily or weekly (or none!):


Admins can also edit individual user preferences if required:


Example email (Thunderbird) ... note that my forum is called "Hampel Group Software" - this will show your forum name :D


... unsubscribe links are fully supported.

Example email (Gmail on Android):


New in v5.0

1. Widget to encourage users to subscribe to digest emails:



Widget hints:
  • To hide the widget from guests - set the Display condition to: $xf.visitor.user_id
  • To hide the widget from guests and from users who have already opted in - set the Display condition to: $xf.visitor.user_id && !$xf.visitor.Option.whatsnewdigest_email

2. Add any HTML to the top or bottom of emails:


Note that the default mail setting is to have a 600px maximum width with a 10px padding, so any image you include must be no wider than 580px - unless you adjust the email width.
  • Version 5.1.0
  • Downloads 3
  • Views 97
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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