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Wbcom Designs - BuddyPress Private Community Pro

Wbcom Designs - BuddyPress Private Community Pro 3.0.0 NULLED

Wbcom Designs

BuddyPress Private Community Pro NULLED

The BuddyPress Private Community Pro plugin offers privacy control for user profiles. It allows you to protect BuddyPress pages and requires users to log in to access protected profile information or other details.

Some of the notable features of this plugin include private profiles, individual profile progress tracking, enforced profile completion to encourage engagement, and membership restrictions.

Key Features of the plugin​

  • You can limit the access of site visitors to BuddyPress components, custom post types (CPTs), and pages.
  • Members can choose to keep their profile information private.
  • The plugin allows you to display a progress bar on a user's profile, based on their profile fields, avatar, and cover image.
  • You can also require users to complete their profiles before accessing certain features.
  • BuddyPress pages can be restricted based on user roles, and all BuddyPress components can be restricted as well.
  • Users can be prevented from posting new activities unless they meet certain requirements.
  • The plugin also allows you to set requirements for users to post new comments and join public, private, or hidden groups.
  • Finally, users can be restricted from joining public, private, or hidden groups.

Protect your communities​

  • To create a new group, users must meet certain requirements such as having a minimum number of friends, activity comments, activities, and a specific user role.
  • Similarly, to join a public, private, or hidden group, users must meet certain requirements such as having a minimum number of friends, activity comments, activities, and a specific user role.
  • The plugin can prevent specific user roles from accessing BuddyPress profile tabs and custom tabs created by third-party plugins.
  • Users with certain user roles can be restricted from sending or receiving friendship requests.
  • Certain user roles can be prevented from starting new conversations, sending replies, or messaging non-friends.
  • The plugin allows you to limit the number of messages certain user roles can send.
  • You can also manage the restriction notices that are displayed to users.
  • Version 3.0.0 NULLED
  • Downloads 10
  • Views 129
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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