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Warehouse - Prestashop theme with elementor

PrestaShop Warehouse - Prestashop theme with elementor 4.7.0

[PS 8.x] 4.7.0 - 19.02.2025
- Upgraded Bootstrap to version 5.3.3.
- Upgraded Swiper library.
- Upgraded Fontawesome to 6.7.2
- Added backward compatibility for Bootstrap 4 to ensure compatibility with the PS ecosystem.
- Upgraded Instagram integration to use the new Graph API token.
- Enabled auto-refresh for the Instagram token in the feed.
- New module: IQITPRODUCTVARIANTS – Associates product variants and displays them in the attributes section with an image preview.
- New module: IQITPRODUCTFLAGS – Adds custom flags to products, useful for running product campaigns.
- Upgraded dependencies.
- Upgraded development dependencies.
- Upgraded Revolution Slider.
- Fix in iqitadditnonaltabs module
- Possible to manually select posts in elementor
- Possible to also edit root product category with elementor
- Youtube shorts url suport in iqitextendedproduct and elementor
- Few other small fixes
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Reactions: natacoliseum
[PS 8.1] 4.6.3 11.10.2023
- compability check with ps 8.1.2
- upgraded version of revolution slider
- iqitelementor: min-hegiht of section can now be set separatly per viewport
- iqitelementor: to add link to "links widget" title

- removal of deprecated addthis plugin
- problem with image zoom in modal with webP images enabled
- php notice related to webimages on product page
- iqitelementor: fixed section height on editor preview
- iqitadditionaltabs: edit on product page v2
- iqitextendedproduct: translations issues
- iqitmegamenu: fixed problem with tabs position reorder in drag and drop mobile menu
- iqiwishlist: possible to preview another custom wishlist when alreay logged on own account
- iqitthemeeditor: problem with special characters in custom css
- blog: problem with related products
- few other small bugfixes
'[PS 8.1] 4.6.2 21.07.2023
- upgrade for ps 8.1.1
- webp image support of prestashop 8.1
- tiktok ikon in socialmedia

- some translations issues
- few other small bugfixes
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Reactions: crakkjo and silva
[PS 8.0] 4.6.1
- possible to disable or change font size of mobile menu header

- iqitreviews rich snippets
- some bugfixes in new mobile menu
- fix for blog posts search
- fix in elementor modules widget call
[PS 8.0] 4.6.0
- Compabilty with new Prestashop 8.0
- Compabilty with PHP 8

- new options for mobile menu
- possible to use separate drag&drop menu constructor for mobile
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Reactions: unknownwho
[PS 1.7.8] 4.5.6
- new options for mobile menu in thmeeditor:
- old mobile menu
- mobile menu as panel instead of accordion
- transform horizontal drag and drop menu into mobile friendly format

- iqitelementor - show section as slideshow - helpfull for creation simple html carusels
- you can use few banner widgets and show them as slideshow instead grid
- IQITEXTENDEDPRODUCT - new position options, show videos and 360 pictures directly in image carousel
- new version of Revolution slider module

- wishlits product add issue
- blog autthor fix in rich data
[PS 1.7.8] 4.5.5
[!important] - Simple Blog module security upgrade
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Reactions: silva