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Vuexy - Vuejs, React, Angular, HTML & Laravel Admin Dashboard Template
v10.4.0 (2024-12-20) Next.js Added
Added compatibility with Node.js 22.x
Updated Next.js version from 14.x to 15.x (Breaking change)
Updated Material-UI version from 5.x to 6.x (Breaking change)
Updated other dependencies to latest versions
Updated CustomTextField component to use Material-UI v6.x and added support for new props
Updated documentation to reflect changes in Next.js and Material-UI
Fixed error that occurred when closing the dialog
Vue Updated
Updated Vue & Vuetify to latest version
Vue Laravel Updated
Updated Vue, Vuetify & Laravel to latest version
Nuxt Updated
Updated Vue, Vuetify & Nuxt to latest version
v10.3.0 (2024-08-02) Vue, Nuxt & VueJS Laravel Added Updated
Updated all the libraries to the latest version
Fixed Apps & Front-pages bugs
v10.2.0 (2024-06-26) Next.js Added
Added Landing, Pricing, Payment, Checkout and Help Center pages
Added eCommerce, Academy, Logistics, Email, Chat and Kanban apps
Added Academy and Logistics dashboards
Added new cards in Widget Examples
Added HOCs (Higher Order Components) viz. TranslationWrapper, AuthGuard and GuestOnlyRoute
Added removeI18n script in the full-version to remove translation from the whole template
Added src/app/server/actions file for all the server actions
Added homePageUrl in themeConfig and next.config.mjs files
Added private, guest-only and public routes for authentication
Updated docs
Updated all the packages to the latest version
Updated types
Updated folder structure (breaking change for authentication)
Moved fake-db from src/app/api to src folder
Replaced kbar search with cmdk search
Replaced react-draft-wysiwyg editor with tiptap editor
Moved Menu Examples and Hook Examples from template to docs
Replaced MUI theme object colors with CSS variables
Separated dependencies and devDependencies in package.json
Updated MUI overrides
Updated Horizontal and Vertical menu styles
Updated GenerateMenu file
Updated file name from next.config.js to next.config.mjs
Updated redirects in the next.config.mjs file
Updated the Calendar app with Redux
Updated src/components/layout/shared/Logo.tsx component and removed the getLocalizedUrl function
Moved the src/app/api/fake-db folder to the src/fake-db folder
Fixed bugs in pages and apps
Fixed icon alignment in the horizontal menu
Removed unused packages
Removed middleware file and moved all the auth and translation logics into their respective HOCs (Higher Order Components)
Removed unnecessary 'use client' from all files
Removed paperChannel from our theme overrides
Removed background-color-rgb CSS variable and replaced it with mui-palette-background-paperChannel
Removed alias for reducers
Removed reactStrictMode from the next.config.mjs file as we are no longer using useReducer hook
Removed demoConfig file, getDemoName server action function and their related code
v9.13.0 (2024-01-24) HTML + Laravel New
Integrated template with Vite 5
Laravel with Webpack Mix
Only provide support for the next 6 months
Future updates won't be considered
HTML, HTML + Laravel with Vite New
Form validation integrated with NPM Package
Fixed Peer Dependency requirements for NPM
Bugfixes & Improvements
Flag Icons integrated with the NPM Package
Package dependencies
Third-Party Libraries & assets imports
v9.11.0 (2023-11-21) ASP.NET Core Updated
Updated to .NET 8 (Reduced Package size & startup time)
Docker compatibility with .NET 8
Removed warnings during build process
Fixed locale issues in RTL mode (Arabic)
Minor improvements & bugfixes
Django Added
datadump.json file which can help while migrating with any database with init data
Documentation: Django Admin - Database with PostgreSQL integration
CRUD: Added decimal validation
PostgreSQL integration/migration issue
v9.10.0 (2023-11-09) HTML, HTML + Laravel, ASP.NET Core & Django Added
Language-Driven LTR and RTL Adaptation
Input group page, speech-to-text functionality
Updated Bootstrap to latest version(5.3.2)
Updated SCSS & Mixins as per Bootstrap 5.3.2
Updated Documentation
Bordered Layout components & third party UI fixes
Horizontal menu slide for fixed layout
Carousel HTML Structure as per latest Bootstrap
Minor improvements & Bugfixes
Removed Portuguese language support
HTML + Laravel Added
Starter kit LTR(English) & RTL(Arabic) Localization
ASP.NET Core Added
CRUD with SQLite Database
Docker support
Django Added
Transaction (CRUD) Example
Authentication (Login, Logout, Register, Reset Password, Forgot Password)
User Permission and Authorization (User: Admin, Client)
Built-in templates for django server errors
Localization based on text-direction
Localization with default language support
.env file issue with Debug mode (True was considered as string)
9.9.0 (2023-10-17) Nuxt 3 Added
Nuxt 3 Version (Initial Release)
Vue & Vue Laravel Added
Migration guide in docs for major and technical changes (Highly recommended to read)
unplugin-vue-router for typed pages
eCommerce App
Product List
Add Product
Category List
All Customers
Customer Details
Manage Reviews
My Courses
Courses Details
Fleet (Added MapBox library)
Front Pages
Landing Page
Pricing Page
Payment Page
Checkout Page
Help Center Page
Swiper Extension
TipTap Rich Editor
More Dialog Examples
Form Wizard
Vite Vue DevTool Plugin
Plugins are now registered automatically like Nuxt and moved to src/plugins directory
Styles are moved to src/assets/styles directory
Directory structure updated
SSR related improvements and fixes
We now uses SVG based CSS icons instead of SVGs for icons
Theme config now uses "pinia" store instead of composable
useThemeConfig composable is replaced with useConfigStore store
Replaced axios with native fetch API
Replaced axios-mock-adapter with msw
Cookie is used for persistence instead of LocalStorage
Customiser UI (User-friendly design)
Invoice List (New widgets)
User List (New widgets)
Libraries Updated to latest version
Code now utilize auto imports similar to Nuxt
vite-plugin-pages plugin (Replaced by unplugin-vue-router)
axios (Replace by native fetch API)
axios-mock-adapter (Replaced by msw)
v9.5.0 (2023-05-02) Vue, Vue + Laravel Added
Added "system" theme (Auto update theme based on your system )
Added Roles and Permissions app
Demo pages
Simple table
New components
Custom input (Radio & Checkbox)
IconBtn (virtual component)
AppStepper (Wizard)
Wizard Example
Property listing
Create deal
Dialog examples
App dialog
Roles and Permissions
Align form and components as per Vuexy design
Updated all dependencies and devDependencies
Improved Navbar Notification components
Updated Simple tables with vuetify datables in all the pages and apps
Fixed Horizontal Menu popup issue in RTL
Fixed AppDateTimePicker open below dialog
Vue + Laravel Updated React Added
Added tonal variant for MUI's Button component
Added default color for the Floating Action Button (FAB) component
Added custom components:
CustomTextField component for rendering custom TextFields and Select components
CustomAutocomplete component for rendering custom Autocomplete component
Updated docs
Updated all the packages
Updated colors in MUI's theme palette
Disabled default ripple effect from the Menu component
Disabled default responsiveFontSizes from the MUI's typography
Aligned typography, shadows, form elements, components and layout according to the Figma design
Fixed minor bugs in Email, Calendar, Invoice app
Fixed position of buffering dots in the LinearProgress component
Fixed Name column toggle in the Column example on the DataGrid page
Removed unnecessary vscode extensions
Removed unnecessary data from the Pricing dialog
Removed link to MUI's Progress from More components page as it is shown in the separate page
HTML & .Net Fixed
Form input & Dropzone fixes
Minor bugfixes
Laravel Updated Fixed
[9.4.0] - 2023-01-10 React Added
Added Next.js version based on MUI(initial release)
Vite version is now deprecated but will be supported for 6 months.
Laravel Updated
Updated structure Re-written from the ground up
Updated documentation
Updated all the dependencies to their latest version
HTML & .Net Core Updated
Updated Datatable Library
Updated Full Calendar Library
Datatables libs files as loading from single file
jszip libs JS file as including with datatables
pdfmake libs JS file as including with datatables
Datatable Excel export
Datatable button UI as update
Minor bugfixes
Angular Deprecated
Angular version is deprecated due to less community support for Bootstrap and their libraries.