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vRent - Vacation Rental Marketplace System

vRent - Vacation Rental Marketplace System 3.3 NULLED

License Information
To activate license, put in form any value, (example. xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)

vRent NULLED is an online vacation rental booking website designed particularly for holiday rentals all over the world. vRent is exclusively designed to satisfy the needs of the landlords who want to seriously make money by listing vacation rentals from all around the globe. vRent allows you to create your own vacation rental platform to help guests to find space for a cost.

Unlimited Property Listings

The property listings are not limited to specific numbers, where you can add hundreds of thousands of listings on your site as well as you can Add, Edit and manage your listing easily.

Flexible Usages

Now, anyone can use vRent, because you don’t have to gather extra knowledge of installation & to manage your website.

Payment Module

Now Guest can pay using their paypal and credit card.

Google Map Integration

We made Google maps integration easy and hassle free and are 100% customizable.

Search by City and Country

Now search easier & get filtered results with search by City, State & Country filters.

Calendar Module

vRent comes with advanced calendar module to set price for each date.Host & admin can use the calendar by blocking the unavailable dates.Host also can set the minimum & maximum dates by selecting Start date & End date.

Social Signin

Social Signin is the secure and easy way for people to log into an account. Also signing in using your Facebook or Google+ account saves time from filling all the details during signup.

Host Service Fee

It is nothing but the owner will get certain % of commission, once a booking is completed on the website

Advanced Search/Filter option

Guest can easily search the property through search/filter option. Filter option is enable to search the exact result. When you will select the check-in & check-out, dates,location & price range you will get the result if that time property is available.

Expandable & Translation

vRent can translate user articles in different language. Its constantly improved its features & we are going to add more and more user friendly features.

Booking by Payment

In vRent users have to book property by payment. User choose their desireable check-in & check-out date, fill up other detail info & send payment. By these way user can payment for booking.

Property Details

Each user can see the property details info from host listing property. From property, user will be able to book each available property.

Message communication System Between Guest & Host

Guest & Host can easily communicate with our message communication system by sharing their any opinion about the property.

Property Request

Host can set the property booking as Instant booking & Guest review each request.In Instant booking guest can booked instantly but in review, guest have to wait for a while to accepting the request from host.

Verification Option

vRent user can now verify their account with different social account like Facebook & Google plus.They also can verified their E-mail address too.

Review & Rating

Reviews section show the reviews done by the user themselves on other properties and reviews given to them by other users.Guest can review and rating the Host after their stay.

Pricing Option

In vRent, you can done pricing in various ways. Here, Nightly pricing is for all listing. The guest who will stay long time they will get benefits as Weekly Discount percent & Monthly Discount percent.

Additional Pricing

Host also can give additional price in their listings as Weekend price, Cleaning fee, Additional guest fee & Security deposit.

-In weekend pricing, host can give price to their listing on weekends
-Additional guest price might be applied when host need,after how many guest he want additional price.

Static Pages & Metas

You can make static web pages content from Admin panel by your own requirements.Meta tags summarized the idea of what your site is about and what exactly the site keywords are.Meta tags are the words that are hidden in your code. People browsing your site will just not be able to see them.It brings higest site ranking quickly.

Site Settings

As a site owner you can set everything according to your convenience from settings option.

Sub Admin Management & Privileges

Not only a single admin, but also you can add sub admin for your site. That time you can set Role & Permission for those admin from Role permission option.As a site owener you can set everything according to your convenience from settings option

iCalendar Integration

vRent supports iCalendar. iCal is a file format that allows users to create and share electronic calendars. iCal helps you keeping your calendars automatically up to date. Once you link your calendars via iCal all new reservations or blocked dates will be instantly closed out on all connected calendars. You can Import, Export & Syn with other calendars.

Importing enables you to have a single-calendar view of all your reservations, seasonal events, holidays and more. This will help you prevent a double booking.

Email Templates

We have dynamic Email templates which supports multi-language. You can change the template contents according to your needs. You can send e-mail via two protocols- SMTP & Send mail, where send mail is default.

Property share option into social media

Now, you can share your property into different social media like Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin which will increase your property booking popularity. Below each property has share option to share property.


There are three types of Reports-
  • Overview & states
  • Sales Report
  • Sale Analysis
Overview & states: On this report you can see the total number of reservation from all customers region. Also can see the percentage(%) of per countries total reservation.

Sales Report: The total vRent sales overview is here. Past 12 months total Sales Income, Reserved/booked property & Reserved nights can see by this sales report.

Sales Analysis: Monthly Average sales and Reservation Rates for all properties are in this report chart.

Recommended Home

vRent admin can set particular property as recommended home, Recommended property randomly feature on Home page .


vRent admin can add Testimonial, Testimonial shown on Homepage .

Wallet System

vRent Host’s Balance added to wallet when guest book property, One can withdraw balance from Wallet

Minimum Stay

Host can set minimum stay for his property on specific date. For example host set his property with minimum stay 3 nights on specific date, if a guest requests reservation that particular date, they’ll be required to stay 3 nights, not just 1 night.

I.V.A tax & Accommodation tax

Admin will get certain % of commission as IVA tax and Accommodation tax if admin set these option from admin fees settings, once a booking is completed on the website.

SEO url

vRent properties url is SEO friendly. Instead of id, property url now contain with property name, increase the visibility of a listing on search engine.

Social Logins

Admin can enable or disable social logins from admin panel social logins option. It is possible to enable or disable facebook and google logins separately.

Image Cropping

Listing hosts/admin can crop the property photos while uploading from the user dashboard or admin panel. They can also skip the cropping if they want.

Bank Payment

Admin can now also add their bank account details for users to pay and then admin can confirm the payment after admin receives the payment in the bank account.

Favorite Listings

Guest users can mark any property as their favorite listing and can easily access them from the dashboard Favorites page.

Min/Max Search Price

Admin can specify a Min/Max searching price range for users.

Inbox Unread Message Count

Users can see the number of unread message in a badge beside Inbox menu item.
3.3 NULLEDVersion
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
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