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Timeline: Added “Purge timeline & follow stats cache” action in WP Admin > Timeline > Settings > General
Work Hours: Extended list of dynamic tags available for the Work Hours field:
– Each weekday schedule can be accessed through @post(work-hours.mon) to @post(work-hours.sun)
– Current weekdays schedule can be accessed through @post(
CPT editor: Added new “Post author” setting in Post type editor > Additional Options to enable the WordPress native author column and author metabox
App events: Added new “Personal data export requested” event (in WP Admin > Voxel > App Events > Membership)
Dynamic data: Added new .first(), .last(), and .nth() modifiers to access specific items within data lists (e.g. repeaters, post categories, recurring dates, etc.)
Field conditional logic: Added new setting to set whether the field should be shown or hidden when conditions are met
Order by filter: Added “Buttons Alt” display mode
Developer: Added hook for registering custom app events: voxel/app-events/register
Developer: Added hook for registering custom app event categories: voxel/app-events/categories
Developer: Added hook for applying custom currency formatting: voxel/currency_format