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VendBase (Formerly WooBase)

VendBase (Formerly WooBase) 1.0.20 NULLED

== Changelog ==

* Fixed issue with metabox fields not saving and also issue with taxonomy multiselect not showing
* Fixed issue with metabox post select field not showing
* Added pre custom creation modal to capture essential details
* Added loading status to bulk status / delete actions
* Fixed issue with tax not displaying on downloaded PDF invoice
* Fixed issue with refund modal not closing and not displaying success message after refund
== Changelog ==

* VendBase now responds to uiXpress dark mode changes and vice versa
* Added option to duplicate products
* Added GTIN/EAN field on products
* Added support for woocommerce brands
* Disabled dashboard card drag and drop on mobile
* Integrated new media library
== Changelog ==
* Further improvements to product variants section
* New and improved rich text editor for product descriptions etc
* Fixed issue where list elements where not saving in descriptions etc.
== Changelog ==
* Fixed issue that could stop you from updating variants without a unique sku
* Added a menu minmise option
* Added option to expand all order details on kanban view
* Added order items (thumbnails) column to the orders table
* Added view product on site quick link to product inspect screen
* Added support for ACF conditional fields
* Added shipping zones management
* Added new menu minification
== Changelog ==
* Added compatability with uiXpress styles
* Added option to print order from order actions dropdown
* Added option to print packing slip from order actions dropdown
* Fixed payments tab in store setup
* Added new tools page to allow you to delete transients and other useful tools directly from VendBase
* Reworked product variations list on product page
* Product price ranges are now shown on the products table when they have variants
* Added option to generate PDF invoice
* Added category and tag filtering to products table
* Added new status overview / switcher to the orders table
* Fixed an issue where variant attributes set to 'any' would get lost when editing them
== Changelog ==
* Added compatability with uiXpress styles
* Added option to print order from order actions dropdown
* Added option to print packing slip from order actions dropdown
* Fixed payments tab in store setup
* Added new tools page to allow you to delete transients and other useful tools directly from VendBase
* Reworked product variations list on product page
* Product price ranges are now shown on the products table when they have variants
* Added option to generate PDF invoice
* Added category and tag filtering to products table
* Added new status overview / switcher to the orders table
* Fixed an issue where variant attributes set to 'any' would get lost when editing them

Release 1.0.13​

This release introduces support for woocommerce subscriptions and a customisable dashboard.

You can now manage subscriptions and subscription products in VendBase and we have added 5 new cards to the dashboard, ARR, MRR, churn rate, active subscriptions and churned Subscriptions.

We have also made it possible to disabled and drag cards around on the dashboard so you can see the data you want.
  • Added support for Woo subscriptions
  • Added customisable dashboard
  • Fixed bug where a fatal would appear when transliterator_transliterate function was missing
  • Added Italian, Dutch and Vietnamese translations
  • Added description and amount fields to the discounts table
  • Added option for plugin to be auto updated
  • Fixed issue where updates would sometimes fail with message ‘forbidden‘

Release v1.0.12​

This release introduces a new Kanban view for managing orders and bulk editing of products. It also has been updated to match our new brand name VendBase.

Several bug fixes are also addressed, improvements to translations as well as new options for menu positioning and using the built in WordPress menu for VendBase!

Release 1.0.11​

This update brings new quick actions to the global search, MetaBox custom fields support and better table sorting with new column data added. There are also performance improvements as well as bug fixes and better cache busting for updates.
  • Added support for metabox custom fields
  • Added new quick actions to the global search
  • New column data and sorting features for all tables
  • Added Portuguese translations
  • Fixed issue where store_managers may not be able to access woobase
  • Fixed issue where Germanized being active would make product updating fail
  • Removed catch all custom fields section
  • Fixed bug where order totals were not updating correctly
  • Updated store settings to allow for individual email settings editing