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User Registration & Membership Pro + ADDONS

User Registration & Membership Pro + ADDONS 5.1.0 NULLED

= 5.1.0 - 26/02/2025 =
* Feature - Min Max setting for default fields.
* Enhance - Unsubscribe PayPal Subscription on user delete.
* Tweak - Hook to modify lost password page email label.
* Tweak - SMS OTP message customization.
* Dev - Undefined variable issue.
* Dev - Calculation field compatibility.
* Dev - Added Action to render the otp page.
* Dev - Hook to modify checkbox validation message.
* Dev - Added after form submission trigger for registration and edit profile form.
* Fix - Strpos deprecated warning.
* Fix - Passwordless login not working.
* Fix - Translation in textarea limit text.
* Fix - WooCommerce disappearing Add to cart button.
* Fix - Unable to override form design in Elementor widget.
* Fix - File upload size correction in edit profile details.
* Fix - Popup for customize my account on logout confirmation.
* Fix - Critical issue while exporting large amount of users.
* Fix - Email template for reset password from admin dashboard.
* Fix - Error message styling not working from style customizer.
* Fix - Stripped slashes on the registration label for login forms.
* Fix - Hidden fields not shown on edit profile (Admin) and import/export users.
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 5.0.4 - 13/02/2025 =
* Security - Vulnerability fix for post title in import forms.
* Fix - Empty members table list.
* Fix - Login and MyAccount form design inconsistencies.
* Fix - Passwordless login button displayed even when set as default area.
= 5.0.2 - 07/02/2025 =
* Fix - Critical error while updating plugin.
* Fix - Username label in lost password form.
* Fix - Premium icon alignment in membership creation page.
* Fix - Payment fields validation when using membership fields.
= - 21/11/2024 =
* Fix - Fatal error when replacing gravatar image.
* Fix - Translation not working properly after WordPress v6.7.
* Fix - WordPress _load_textdomain_just_in_time notice after v6.7.
= 4.3.5 - 18/11/2024 =
* Feature - All User Registration widgets for Oxygen builder.
* Enhance - My account page design.
* Enhance - Most used integration list on integration settings in form builder.
* Tweak - Global settings design.
* Fix - Allow admin to edit hidden and readonly.
* Fix - Hide Unapproved Users action run for users not from our source.
* Fix - Hidden content rules issue when conflicting with element pack pro.
* Fix - Missing facebook profile image in users table and my account page.
* Fix - Form save action not working for initial form publish captcha setting.
* Fix - Random order of form fields in email template during user registration.
* Dev - Compatibility for convertKit.
= - 16/10/2024 =
* Fix - Setup wizard going blank on registration settings step.
= 4.3.3 - 19/09/2024 =
* Fix - Addons update notification not being displayed.
* Fix - Select all option not working in checkbox field.
* Fix - Headers sent wrong in password less login email.
* Fix - Continue setup wizard button not working properly.
* Fix - Email translations issue with user registered language in WPML.
* Fix - Conflict with lost password when WooCommerce My Account Page selected in user registration settings.
* Dev - PHP version 8.3 compatibility issue.
* Tweak - Enqueued pro frontend script in footer.
* Tweak - Added skip setup button in continue setup wizard notice.
* Tweak - Added filters to change reset password validation error message.
* Tweak - Changed feature item label from Pro to Personal to avoid confusion.
* Tweak - Install pages notice display only if continue setup wizard notice is skipped.
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Reactions: edgars221289
= - 11/09/2024 =
* Fix - Tooltip icon is not being displayed in Global Settings.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
= 4.3.0 - 01/08/2024 =
* Feature - Akismet integration.
* Feature - Payment History.
* Feature - Coupon Field.
* Feature - Signature Field.
* Feature - Temporarily disable users.
* Feature - Set exact date for subscription to end.
* Enhance - Files restriction.
* Enhance - Script and styles optimization.
* Enhance - Content restriction on WooCommerce product.
* Dev - Membership addon compatibility.
* Dev - Compatibility for Signature Field.
* Dev - Compatibility for image based captcha.
* Dev - Compatibility temporarily disable users.
* Refactor - Custom plugin notice rendering.
* Tweak - Bulk action notice message in users page.
* Tweak - Cannot delete password field even if auto password generation is enabled.
* Fix - Avoid multiple query for same info.
* Fix - Modules not loading due to ssl issue.
* Fix - Input field validating while conditionally hidden.
* Fix - Elementor Partial content restriction not working.
* Fix - Transaction ID not showing for subscription payment.
* Fix - Login Redirection not working after email confirmation.
* Fix - Not able to login with email provided in username field.
* Fix - Custom taxonomy not restricted properly in Content Rules.
* Fix - Form saved with payment fields even if payment method disabled.
* Fix - Smart Tags related to current page not working in certain emails.
* Fix - Single Filter dismiss option in advanced filter of Frontend Listing.
* Fix - Domain blacklist/whitelist filtering not working on case sensitivity.
* Fix - Sort users based on latest registration in User Registration -> Users Page.