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5.3.6 (08.08.2024)
- feature: non-IAB vendors can be added to TCF modal;
- feature: TCF modal now can be collapsible,
- update: IPs database for geolocation feature updated;
- update: PHP 8.1.25 compatibility improvements;
5.3 (05.03.2024)
- feature: translations for TCF popup added;
- update: Google Analytics 4 support added;
- update: Google Consent Mode v.2 added;
- bugfix: issues with displaying 'Reject Cookies' button solved;
- bugfix: issues with translations for individual cookies groups corrected;
- bugfix: issue with displaying basic cookie bar solved;
- bugfix: issue with downloading translation files fixed;
5.1 (24.10.2023)
- update: TCF popup styling improved;
- fix: "Withdraw" button is now correctly displayed;
- fix: TCF functionalities now works correctly with WordPress in root subdirectory;
4.4 (27.07.2023)
- feature: Integration with GTM and Google Consent Mode added;
- feature: Integration with MetForms plugin added;
- fix: PHP 8.x warnings fixed;
- fix: issues with WP functionalities on PHP 8.0 fixed;
- update: ACF plugin updated to version 6.1.6;
- update: IPs database for Geolocation updated;
- update: Installation wizard is now opening upon plugin activation;