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TicTic - Android media app for creating and sharing short videos

TicTic - Android media app for creating and sharing short videos 3 January 2025

Updated 3rd January 2025
1. Crashes Fixed
2. Fixed Uploiading Product
3. Moved phone no login from twilio to Firebase
4. Performance Improvement
** Feature Added **
adcolony ads added
referal reward feature added
Muliple images to video feature added
space topics added
space feature added
promotion video added
analytics feature added
story feature added
5 piture video added
speed/slow motion video editing feature added
text, sticker, emoji and draw video editing feature added
Profile video added
video description see more feature added
profile visitor feature added
Tag into comment feature added
AR filter and 3d Sticker
darkmode implement
Streaming like bigo slider added
dual streaming added
private and public streaming added
streaming join by cash feature added
invite user into streaming feature added
pinned comment feature
pinned video feature added
repost feature added
Story like and story comment feature added

**Feature Updated**
ads SDK updated
vide edition code improve
Space issue resolve
Filter work on distence added
video struch issue resolve
Exo player updated
Depricated method updated
viewpager 2 implement
fresco cache implement
date added into notification

** Bug Fixed **
duet issue resolve
space issue resolve
space issue resolve
video scrolling issue fix
streaming issue fix
promo video issue resolve
code optimize
live user not active issue resolve
UI issue resolve
Updated October 19 2022
New Features

1. delete comment added
2. pinned comment added
3. copy comment added
4. tag friends into comment added
5. playlist feature added
6. pinned video feature added
7. repost video feature added

Bugs Fixed
1. video scrolling issue fixed
2. streaming issue fixed
3. null video and profile issue fixed
4. profile picture issue fixed
5. notification click issue fixed
6. code optimize
7. duet resolve
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