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TheGem - Creative Multi-Purpose & WooCommerce WordPress Theme

TheGem - Creative Multi-Purpose & WooCommerce WordPress Theme

Changelog not found.
FullPack: Elementor and WPBakery version + plugins

5.10.2 - February 25th, 2025
- Design & Branding Agency (dark and light versions), Fullservice Digital Agency (dark and light versions), Digital Agency Onepager, Advertising Agency

- Added customization options for the "Scroll to Top" button in Theme Options
- Added Polylang support in the Header Builder - Language Switcher element
- Added relative date format for the Post Meta element (date, date updated)
- Added settings for custom image aspect ratio in the Gallery Slider element
- Added submenu indicator option for the built-in header
- Added support for Elementor's "Element Caching" option for content elements
- Added auto-exclusion of GDPR elements from Elementor's "Element Caching" option
- Added automatic removal of excluded terms in all grid filters
- Added Bluesky and Houzz social icons
- Added display of username in the "Sign In / Sign Out" content element
- Added WPML and Polylang support for the built-in "Thank You / Purchase Summary" WooCommerce checkout page
- Improved GDPR settings for Google Maps

- Fixed correct loading of styles when the GDPR module is enabled/disabled
- Fixed minor compatibility issues with WPML and Polylang plugins
- Fixed compatibility issues with the latest version of the WCFM Marketplace plugin
- Fixed correct display of stock amount when a single product template is used
- Fixed correct display of grouped products in the "Add to Cart" element when a single product template is used
- Fixed PHP warning in the Gallery Grid element

5.10.1 - January 14th, 2025
- Creative Agency (dark and light versions), SEO Agency

- Updated Google Fonts in Theme Options with new fonts added
- Improved support for TTF and WOFF2 fonts in TheGem’s Self-Hosted Fonts module
- Ensured compatibility with the latest version of WooCommerce and Elementor
- Improved compatibility with the Polylang plugin in TheGem Templates Builder
- Added responsive options for frame settings in "Body Frame" website layout

- Fixed the "Truncate Title" setting in the Portfolio Grid element
- Resolved a minor visual issue with the "Perspective" navigation type
- Fixed the Progress Donut element when used within tabs and accordions
- Corrected the disabling of styles and scripts in the GDPR module when GDPR is disabled
- Fixed loading of TheGem icon library in the "Menu" element in Header Builder
- WooCommerce: Fixed duplicate wishlist icon display in legacy product grids
- WooCommerce: Fixed the "Clear selection" button functionality after selecting product variations in the quick view popup
- WooCommerce: Fixed an error notice in the product gallery when a product image is removed
- Header Builder: Applied a minor compatibility fix in the "Menu" content element
5.10.0 - December 12th, 2024

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Ensured compatibility with the latest version of WordPress. Elementor and WPBakery security fixes released. Please make sure to update.

- Mobile Navigation Builder:
-- Create custom layouts for mobile navigation using Elementor or WPBakery to elevate your website’s mobile experience
-- Use any content elements available in the page builder
-- Includes 5+ pre-built mobile navigation templates with a one-click import feature
- Portfolio Archives: added the option to enable portfolio archive pages in Theme Options with built-in layouts or custom archive templates
- "Custom Menu" Element: introduced additional settings for submenu items
- Dynamic Popup: added a simple way to assign popups to any links via dynamic tags. Popups can now be triggered with any link
- Dynamic Lightbox: added a "Dynamic Lightbox" feature that allows linking elements to images or videos, which open in a lightbox

- Job Board Listing, Online Courses, Dental Care

- Added a "Truncate Title" option to the products grid, product carousel content elements, and shop grid settings
- Added an "HTML Tag" setting for product titles on product pages
- Fullpage Scroller: Added "Footer Slide Anchor" and "Footer Slide Name" settings for the footer area
- Added a "1x" column setting to the "Posts Carousel" element
- Added an "8x" column setting to the "Product Categories" element ( Elementor, WPBakery )
- Added a "Scrollbar Gutter Stability" setting to prevent content layout shifts when the scrollbar appears
- Added the "Search Form" and "Sign In/Sign Out" elements to "General Elements," making it available for use in any content type
- TheGem Demo Import: added an one-click installation of required plugins in shop and listings demos
- Plugin Updates: TheGem Blocks, Elementor, WPBakery, Revolution Slider, LayerSlider

- Fixed compatibility issues with the latest version of WordPress, Elementor and WPBakery (make sure to update)
- Resolved an issue with the thumbnail arrow in the "Gallery Slider" element for correct display in Chrome
- Elementor: Fixed interactions, parallax effects and GDPR module when Elementor's element caching feature is enabled
- Fixed the display of the off-canvas content area when enabled for built-in header types in Theme Options
- Fixed the display of the legacy classic shop grid
- Elementor: Fixed the trigger for "body start," ensuring it fires correctly
- Ensured compatibility with the latest version of the YITH Wishlist plugin and WPML plugin
- Applied minor fixes for compatibility with the Relevanssi plugin and the latest Polylang plugin
"** Version 5.10.0 - December 12th, 2024
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Ensured compatibility with the latest version of WordPress. Elementor and WPBakery security fixes released. Please make sure to update.

- Mobile Navigation Builder:
-- Create custom layouts for mobile navigation using Elementor or WPBakery to elevate your website’s mobile experience
-- Use any content elements available in the page builder
-- Includes 5+ pre-built mobile navigation templates with a one-click import feature
- Portfolio Archives: added the option to enable portfolio archive pages in Theme Options with built-in layouts or custom archive templates
- "Custom Menu" Element: introduced additional settings for submenu items
- Dynamic Popup: added a simple way to assign popups to any links via dynamic tags. Popups can now be triggered with any link
- Dynamic Lightbox: added a "Dynamic Lightbox" feature that allows linking elements to images or videos, which open in a lightbox

- Job Board Listing, Online Courses, Dental Care

- Added a "Truncate Title" option to the products grid, product carousel content elements, and shop grid settings
- Added an "HTML Tag" setting for product titles on product pages
- Fullpage Scroller: Added "Footer Slide Anchor" and "Footer Slide Name" settings for the footer area
- Added a "1x" column setting to the "Posts Carousel" element
- Added an "8x" column setting to the "Product Categories" element ( Elementor, WPBakery )
- Added a "Scrollbar Gutter Stability" setting to prevent content layout shifts when the scrollbar appears
- Added the "Search Form" and "Sign In/Sign Out" elements to "General Elements," making it available for use in any content type
- TheGem Demo Import: added an one-click installation of required plugins in shop and listings demos
- Plugin Updates: TheGem Blocks, Elementor, WPBakery, Revolution Slider, LayerSlider

- Fixed compatibility issues with the latest version of WordPress, Elementor and WPBakery (make sure to update)
- Resolved an issue with the thumbnail arrow in the "Gallery Slider" element for correct display in Chrome
- Elementor: Fixed interactions, parallax effects and GDPR module when Elementor's element caching feature is enabled
- Fixed the display of the off-canvas content area when enabled for built-in header types in Theme Options
- Fixed the display of the legacy classic shop grid
- Elementor: Fixed the trigger for "body start," ensuring it fires correctly
- Ensured compatibility with the latest version of the YITH Wishlist plugin and WPML plugin
- Applied minor fixes for compatibility with the Relevanssi plugin and the latest Polylang plugin

November 15th, 2024
Updates & Improvements:

Ensured compatibility with the latest version of WooCommerce

November 12th, 2024

Bug Fixes:

Grid Filter Element:

Fixed an issue with the "Grid Filter" element when used in popups on touch devices

Resolved a minor issue related to ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) when used with the "Grid Filter" element

Posts Extended Grid:

Fixed the display of excerpts in the "Posts Extended Grid" element


Gallery Grid: Fixed an issue with the "Gallery Grid" element when used within nested tabs

Scroll to Anchor: Resolved issues with scroll-to-anchor functionality within tabs and accordions

Dynamic Tags Compatibility: Fixed compatibility issues with Elementor Pro dynamic tags

Gallery Slider Lightbox: Corrected the image size displayed in the lightbox for the "Gallery Slider" element

Script Initialization: Fixed initialization for interactions and parallax backgrounds


Fixed infinite scroll functionality in portfolios and post grids

November 2nd, 2024

Updates & Improvements:

TheGem Elementor: Ensured compatibility with the latest version of Elementor

TheGem WPBakery: Ensured compatibility with the third-party theme auto-update plugins

  • Like
Reactions: connor92 November 2nd, 2024
TheGem Elementor Update:
Ensured compatibility with the latest version of Elementor
