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The7 — Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress

The7 — Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress 12.4.0 NULLED

v.11.12.2 (May 1, 2024)
Enhanced compatibility with The Events Calendar. The7 Elementor widgets now display past events.

Bug Fix:
Fixed an issue where Single Page import sometimes did not include attachments.
v.11.12.0 (Apr 12, 2024)
New Features:
1. Introduced the ability to bulk edit Custom Fonts in Site Settings > Global Fonts.
2. Added a "Stay in Parent Container" feature with accompanying settings for sticky containers.

1. Simplified and reworked the "Hide/Show Section on Scroll (Experimental)" into a "Show on Scroll Up" setting for sticky containers.
2. Enhanced WPML compatibility.
3. Improved accessibility by ensuring that links have a discernible name.
4. Updated WooCommerce templates to version 8.7.0.

Bug Fixes:
1. Fixed the absence of a fade effect on color changes for text items in the dropdown menu of the Horizontal Menu widget.
2. Addressed the issue where object cache affected menu translation.
3. Resolved a problem where the overlay template breaks in the editor when used in the header mega menu.
4. Corrected the issue where pre-made website imports did not activate Elementor Pro (if already installed in the system).
5. Fixed a conflict between Elementor's "Page Transition" feature and the theme's lightbox.
v.11.11.2 (Mar 5, 2024)
Updated WooCommerce templates for enhanced compatibility and functionality.

Bug Fixes:
1. Fixed a notice "Warning: Undefined array key "open_selector"" in the popup widget.
2. Resolved the issue of missing "related" source options in the loop widgets.
3. Addressed the "The7ElementorSettings is not defined" JavaScript error.
4. Corrected the buggy bullets height in the loop carousel and template slider.
5. Fixed the issue where the gradient overlay in Posts Masonry & Grid was not visible in Chrome.
6. Improved WPML compatibility, ensuring the menu cart displays popup translations.
7. Resolved the JavaScript error in the Photo Scroller widget in the Editor.
8. Fixed the sale flash blinking in carousel-based widgets on iPhone.
9. Adjusted the timing of icons and text animation in the loop Add to Cart button.
v.11.11.1 (Feb 23, 2024)
1. Added the ability to include videos in the Product Images widget.
2. Improved the button stretch feature in the Loop Add to Cart.
3. Updated the es_ES language file.
4. Enhanced the styles for variations in the Loop Add to Cart.
5. The "Twitter" icon changed for the "X" in old WPB shortcodes.

Bug Fixes:
1. Made the default "Add to Cart" label in "The7 Add to Cart" widget translatable.
2. Fixed the issue where Safari jumps to the top after closing the widget menu cart popup.
3. Resolved the issue where the custom settings tab shows up even when the Custom style is not selected in the "Button Appearance" field in WPB.
4. Fixed the product image loop overlay animation.
5. Addressed the issue where native Elementor slides are hidden.
6. Corrected the issue where headings don't accept line-height from The7 Typography.
7. Fixed the gap between container elements not working with fit content.
v.11.10.0 (Jan 26, 2024)
New Features:
1. Introduced a Menu Toggle widget.
2. Launched The7 loop templates library.

1. Enhanced the process to remove all image thumbnails if the original image was removed.
2. Improved the responsiveness of the Quantity field in the Add to Cart.

Bug Fixes:
1. Resolved minor issues in language files.
2. Fixed the issue with the character limit not functioning correctly in Elementor's Breadcrumbs widget.
3. Addressed a JavaScript error with the loyalty discount addon plugin.
4. Corrected compatibility issues with BuddyPress.
5. Solved the issue with post details icons not being visible on the newest iOS versions.
6. Fixed the problem where an external link assigned to WPB "Single Image" didn't work if the image source was also external.
7. Addressed the absence of offset and scroll-up settings in Ajax pagination in the Loop Grid.
8. In the loop product image slider, navigation will now be hidden if a product has only one image.
9. Implemented hover animation for loop product images.
10. Fixed a fatal error occurring if an overlay was deleted but its link remained in the widget.
11. Corrected the issue in the loop carousel with products, where navigation on hover was visible on all products simultaneously.
v.11.10.0 (Nov 30, 2023)
New Features:
1. Introduced the Product Images List Widget.
2. "AJAX" pagionation option was added to loops.

1. Added a new variant of the scroller to the product image for loops.
2. Enhanced compatibility of Attributes and Taxonomy filters.

Bug Fixes:
1. Resolved an issue where using "Any [attribute]" value in a variation made the attribute invisible in the Products widget.
2. Addressed the display issue with the Before/After shortcode.
3. Fixed the problem where out-of-stock variations did not show the "Out" styling.
4. Corrected the image ratio height issue in Elementor flex containers.
5. Adjusted the incorrect positioning of default WooCommerce filters in the Collapsible sidebar.
v. (Oct 13, 2023)

Bug Fixes:
1. Addressed the issue causing an "Uncaught TypeError: count()" in `/dt-the7/inc/extensions/custom-meta-boxes/metabox-fields.php:258`.
2. Resolved the problem where the "Related" source mode stopped functioning in Posts Masonry & Grid.