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Tell A Friend

Invision Community Tell A Friend 1.0.0

Tell A Friend.png

How about let people invite others to your board? This resource will allow users (members and/or guests) to invite their friends by filling a form that will be sent via email. Form will be processed and email sent via ajax but if the user opens the form on a new page/tab, then a minimal "thanks" page will show after submit the form.

  • Form on/off
  • Groups allowed to use the form
  • The form won't be submitted if the email used belongs to a registered member (that wouldn't make sense to "invite" someone who already is a member from the community)
  • They will be asked to provide their name and email address
  • A captcha will be added to the form
Warning and Email Subject/Content:
  • The message in the form, the email subject and body are language bits so you are free to change them to whatever you want in your own Admin CP.
  • Version 1.0.0
  • Downloads 34
  • Views 452
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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