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TaxoPress Pro - the WordPress Taxonomy, Category and Tag Plugin

TaxoPress Pro - the WordPress Taxonomy, Category and Tag Plugin 3.32.0 NULLED

v3.32.0- 2025-03-03
* Fixed: PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘=>’ on PHP 5.6 or lower, #2505
* Fixed: Maximum terms to display, #2504
* Update: Enable select2 search on autoterms schedule and Terms Display page, #2507
* Update: TaxoPress v.3.31.0 Translation Update ES-FR-IT, #2503
v3.27.0- 2024-11-05
* Update: Add setting to Make Linked Terms 1-way or 2-way, #2099
* Update: Add a subscript 1 or 2 to linked term to make it easy to know if a linked term is the primary term or secondary term, #2099
* Update: Allow Auto Terms to search more content areas (Taxonomies and Fields), #2096
* Update: Add a "Preview" area inside Auto Terms, #2231
* Update: Add support for more statuses in Auto Terms, #2246
* Update: Add {post_terms} token to OpenAI custom prompt, #2123
* Update: Add settings to limit Synonyms to preffered taxonomies, #2094
* Fixed: OpenAI producing sentence instead of individual terms, #2258
* Fixed: "Show in Filter" not working for builtin taxonomies, #2291
* Fixed: Existing Content "Limit Auto Terms, based on published date" always defaults to "24 hours ago", #2281
* Update: Added Option to copy or migrate a term, #1055
* Update: Update metabox "no results" texts, #2273
* Update: Add a "Remove Terms" feature on the "Manage Terms" screen, #2271,
* Update: Add a "Hide Unused Terms" feature on the "Manage Terms" screen, #2271
* Update: Allow users to customize the date in Related Posts, #2249
* Update: Improve the "Categories" area in Related Posts, #2248
* Update: Allow users to choose the size / resolution of the image in Related Posts, #2284
* Update: Add a Current Post block, #2263
* Update: Add a Terms Display block, #2262
* Update: Move Maximum number of categories to advanced category, #2305
* Update: Small label change for blocks, #2304
* Update: New label and tab for related posts date format, #2302
* Update: Labels for post thumbnail, #2303
* Fixed: "Term link format" doesn't work for Box List, #2250
* Update: Add "Exclude Terms" feature for "Terms Display", #1376
* Update: Translation Updates ES-FR-IT v3.26.0, #2252
v3.26.0- 2024-10-08
* Update: Move metabox API keys and settings from Metabox directly into Auto Terms, #2106
* Update: Allow multiple sources (Existing terms, OpenAI, etc) to be used together in Auto Terms, #2075
* Update: Allow users to choose OpenAI models, #2186
* Update: Improve the Delete Unused Terms feature, #1857
* Update: Set new defaults for Related Posts, #2218
* Feature: Allow Auto Term Post filter using 'taxopress_filter_autoterm_content', #2216
* Fixed: Not possible to save the "Maximum related posts to display" option in Related Posts, #2208
* Update: Use the "Auto Terms setting" approach for Metaboxes also, #2101
* Update: Provide layout options for Related Posts, #2155
* Update: Add sorting to Related Posts Table display, #2185
* Update: Skip the Media post type in Auto Terms, Auto Links, Terms Display, Terms for Current Post and Related Posts options, #2107
* Update: Translation updates for TaxoPress v3.25.1, #2193
v3.24.1- 2024-08-23
* Fixed: Warning: Cannot modify header information preventing login on PHP 8, #2157
v3.21.1- 2024-06-26
* Fixed: Auto Links class/id exclusions not working on <p> elements, #2040
* Fixed: Plugin conflict with Linked Terms, #2045
* Fixed: TaxoPress conflict with the WP All Import plugin, #2037
* Fixed: Deprecated in class.client.autolinks.php on line 94, #2043
* Update: TaxoPress Italian French Spanish translation updates v. 3.21.0, #2035
v3.11.1- 2023-11-02
* Update: Add TaxoPress AI metabox default taxonomy settings, #1923
* Update: Show duplicate synonym name in synonyms error message, #1931
* Update: Add "Select All" and "Deselect All Toggle to TaxoPress AI tags, #1906
* Fixed: Problem with korean translation, #1933
* Update: Default choices for TaxoPress AI Preview, #1930
* Update: Return Mass Edit Terms from legacy to dashboard, #1920
* Update: Remove TaxoPress AI pro metaboxes in Free version, #1921
* Update: TaxoPress Free Italian French Spanish translation updates October 2023, #1926
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Reactions: MarkDragon
v3.11.0- 2023-10-25
* Feature: Added AI to the TaxoPress plugin, #1810
* Update: Combine “Settings” and “License” into a single menu, #1856
* Fixed: Merge feature deleting terms when using same terms in all input, #1904
* Update: Update sidebar banner, #1905
* Changes: Move Dandelion and OpenCalais to Pro, #1887
* Update: Add OL/LI option to Terms Display Format, #1860
* Fixed: Terms not displayed when using DESC ordering with numerical terms, #1859
* Update: TaxoPress PRO ES-FR-IT Translation updates September 2023, #1855
* Update: TaxoPress FREE Translation updates September 2023, #1854
v3.10.0- 2023-08-09
* Feature: Add new TaxoPress > Posts Screen, #1748
* Feature: Setting for which taxonomies to display on Posts screen, #1762
* Update: Move "Mass Edit Terms" to Legacy, #1759
* Update: Add "Count" column on the "Terms" page, #1757
* Update: Auto add tags when using clicktag in classic editor, #1654
* Update: Update settings "Save Changes" button and remove "Reset Options", #1770
* Update: Add "Text to display before list" to "Related Posts" and "Terms Display", #1600
* Update: Update Manage Terms Notification Messages, #1743
* Update: Add Terms Descriptions column on "Terms" screen, #1706
* Update: Update Synonyms error message, #1730
* Fixed: Prevent "Merge Terms" from automatically adding Default Category, #1741
* Fixed: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() on Posts page, #1740
* Fixed: Uncaught TypeError: array_map(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type array, #1729
* Fixed: Duplicate not found label on Taxonomies screen, #1701
* Update: Restrict synonym options to Pro version, #1723
* Fixed: TAXOPRESS PRO - ES-FR-IT translation Updates July 21, 2023, #1722
* Fixed: TAXOPRESS FREE - ES-FR-IT translation Updates July 21, 2023, #1721