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Tawk.to - The Best Free Livechat - Multilanguage

PrestaShop Tawk.to - The Best Free Livechat - Multilanguage 1.0.15


Tawk.to is a messaging app that lets you chat with visitors on your store. Tawk.to Live Chat is convenient for your customers, helping them through pain points and as a result helping you generate better customer support and higher conversions.


tawk.to is designed to increase the effectiveness in managing the online customer engagement experience, enabling multiple websites and agents in a single dashboard interface to chat with the visitors on your website.

tawk.to is the most complete free messaging app.

Why use tawk.to?
tawk.to is a live chat app which integrates seamlessly with your store! More than 250000 companies use tawk.to to provide real time support and service to their customers. Never lose anothe.r lead or sale again, with tawk.to you can monitor and chat with your website visitors when they need it most.

You can configure Tawk.to up to 49 languages
! And you can select a different one with each of your store languages.

A single payment
The module has no additional costs. You only need to make one payment for the module licence for your store.

Desktop and mobile apps
Compatible with all modern, tawk.to is live chat software created out of the growing need for businesses to respond in real time, with real people.
Tawk.to offers free iOS, Android, Windows and Mac OSX apps to stay connected, or you can log in via any browser.

1 Minute Setup
Install the module and choose the widget that you want to use and the chat widget starts working instantly.

Start Chatting
Login to the dashboard to invite members of your team, create shortcuts and to start chatting with your visitors.

Track Progress
Monitor and track you and your teams progress over time, review chat history, and check performance in analytics.
  • tawkto-the-best-free-livechat-multilanguage.jpg
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  • Version 1.0.15
  • Downloads 34
  • Views 563
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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