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Version 1.2.0​

( updated on 03-Mar-2024 )

New Features:
1. Task Lists
- Added the ability to create group of the tasks from the task lists.
- Created New View for Tasks , Group By Task List View.
2. Menu Reordering as per User Preferences
- Introduced Menu Reordering as per user preferences.
- User can adjust and reorder the side menu as per their choices.

1. Global Search
- Improved Global Search, UI and UX for better user engagement.
- Added CRTL + K , shortcut for opening the Global Search.
2. System Fonts Changed
- Changed the system fonts for better readability and user experience.
3. Changed Side Menu Color to Monotone Color
- Improved the side menu's colors and changed it to monochrome color for more pleasant experience
4. Notification Dropdown
- Improved Notification Dropdown UI and Fixed its Typography Hierarchy
5. Dashboard Improvements
- Changed the cards style for the Dashboard
- Added Recent Activities Card for showing , latest activities.
- Improved the Income vs Expense Chart , and more

+ Other bugs and UI and UX improvements have also been addressed in this update, further enhancing the overall performance, stability, and user experience of Taskify SaaS

Version 1.1.3​

( updated on 30-Dec-2024 )

Taskify SaaS v1.1.3 Changelog
New Features:
1. Issues Feature
- Added the ability to create issues and assign them to project members ,on the project detail page.
- Enabled issue status tracking for better issue monitoring.
2. Default Status System
- Introduced system-wide default statuses: Open and Close.
- Made default statuses non-deletable to ensure consistency.
3. Task Billing Type
- Added billing type field to tasks with options: None , Billable , Non-billable.
- Enhanced tracking and reporting for billable and non-billable tasks.
4. Task Reminder System
- Added configurable task reminders: Daily, Weekly, and Monthly reminders.
- User will notify on slack , email , system , WhatsApp , SNS for reminding there task.
5. Task Recursion
- Introduced task recurrence functionality with frequency settings.
- It have frequency type such as Daily , Weekly , Monthly , Yearly.
- Included a full recurrence management system.
6. Announcement Calender
- Introduced an announcement management system to track workspace announcements.
- Developed a calendar view for better event tracking.
- Added event notifications for user engagement.
7. Status Timeline
- Added a timeline to track status changes with timestamps.
- Enabled visualization of the complete status history.
8. Task Time Entry
- Task Users can add their time entries and also select billable or non-billable
- Project has option to enable task time entries.
9. Work Hours Report
- Enhanced reporting system with time tracking analysis.
- Added billable hours tracking for better financial oversight.
- Developed export capabilities for time tracking reports.

1. Task Completion Percentage
- Added static values (0% to 100%) for task completion tracking.
- Implemented 10% increment gaps for structured progress tracking.
- Developed a visual progress indicator for easy monitoring.
2. Added New Labels
- Added new labels for newly integrated features.
- Added missing labels also.
Other bugs and improvements have also been addressed in this update, further enhancing the overall performance, stability, and user experience of Taskify SaaS

Version 1.1.1​

( updated on 22-Oct-2024 )

New Features:
1. Pin Menu Functionality in Side Menu
- Added ability to pin important menu items to the top of the side menu.
- Pinned items remain easily accessible, improving navigation efficiency.
2. Select2 Integration with Ajax Data Fetching
- Implemented Select2 for enhanced user experience on all select inputs.
- Integrated Ajax-based data fetching for improved performance:
- Initially loads first 10 results.
- Additional data loads dynamically when scrolling, reducing initial load time.
3. Dynamic Country Code Dropdown
- Replaced manual country code input with an interactive dropdown.
- Utilizes intTel input for a rich user interface:
- Displays country flags alongside names.
- Includes ISO codes for precise country identification.
4. Revamped Slack Notification System
- Transitioned from channel-based notifications to direct messages:
- Previously: Used Slack webhook URL to post in channels.
- Now: Utilizes Slack API to send personalized direct messages.
- Enhances notification privacy and relevance for individual users.
5. Password Generator Functionality
- Introduced a feature to dynamically generate strong passwords.
- Helps users create secure, randomized passwords effortlessly.
6. Project/Task Notes Display Enhancement
- Implemented display of project/task notes next to the status dropdown.
- Improves context awareness by providing quick access to relevant notes.
7. Granular Permission Controls
- Introduced separated, fine-grained permissions for managing:
- Status
- Priority
- Tags
- Media
- Contract/Expense types
- Allowances
- Deductions
- Payment methods
- Payments
- Taxes
- Units
- Items
- Allows for more precise access control and role definition.
8. Bulk Delete Functionality for Notes and Todos
- Added a "Delete Selected" button in notes and todos sections.
- Enables users to efficiently remove multiple items simultaneously.
9. Enhanced Login Security Measures
- Implemented maximum login attempt limit:
- Introduces a timeout period after exceeding max attempts.
- Added new Security Settings section in the Settings Menu.
1. Date Control and Picker Enhancements
- Fixed multiple issues related to date controls:
- Resolved problem of controls moving away on page scroll.
- Fixed unintended page scrolling to top when interacting with month/year dropdowns in modal windows.
- Improved visibility and functionality of navigation in date pickers:
- Enhanced visibility of previous/next month buttons.
Bug Fixes:
1. Date Control Stability Improvements
- Addressed various issues affecting date control components:
- Fixed positioning and scrolling bugs.
- Ensured consistent behavior across different page layouts and modal windows.
- Improved overall reliability and user experience of date-related inputs.
Other Changes:
1. Performed various minor improvements and optimizations throughout the application to enhance overall performance and user experience.
2. Updated UI elements to accommodate new features:
- Redesigned side menu to incorporate pinned items functionality.
- Updated input fields to reflect the new dynamic country code dropdown.

Version 1.1.0​

( updated on 24-Sep-2024 )

New Features:
1. Slack Notifications
- Set up Slack notifications for key events such as task assignments, project updates, and ticket status changes.
- Ensure users can receive real-time alerts in Slack channels or direct messages.
2. Task Discussion and Mentions (@)
- Implemented task-specific discussion threads for team collaboration.
- Enabled user mentions with "@" to notify specific team members.
3. Additional Roles for Super Admin
- Added new role Manager for Super Admin, allowing them to manage Customers, Plans , Subscriptions , Support.
4. Leave Request Deletion by Requestee
- Allowed users to delete their own pending leave requests before approval.
5. Support Ticket Mechanism for Admin / SuperAdmin
- Added support ticket creation for Admin.
- Enabled Super Admin and Managers to manage support tickets efficiently.
1. Gantt Chart and Calendar AJAX Performance
- Optimized AJAX performance for both Gantt chart and calendar when switching between months.
2 Project/Task Statistics on Dashboard
- Displayed project and task statistics only for users with permission to manage them.
- Integrated these statistics under the "Manage Permissions" tile.
Bug Fixes:
1. Project/Task Statistics Visibility
- Resolved an issue where project and task statistics were visible to unauthorized users on the dashboard.
Other Changes:
1. Minor improvements and optimizations throughout the application.
2. Added new labels for Slack and task discussions.

Version 1.0.5​

( updated on 05-Sep-2024 )

New Features:
1. Gantt Chart View
- Added a new Gantt chart view for projects, allowing better visualization of project timelines and dependencies.
2. Custom Toast Settings
- Implemented customizable settings for toast notifications, including position and timing options.
3. Admin Settings
- Introduced new admin configuration options, including the ability to set custom admin logo and title.
4. Income vs Expense Chart
- Added a new chart to the Dashboard for visualizing income versus expenses.
5. Mind Map for Projects
- Implemented a mind map feature for improved project planning and idea organization.
6. Clear Cache Button
- Added a convenient button to clear the application cache.
1. Grid View UI
- Improved the user interface of the grid view for a more intuitive and visually appealing experience.
2. Error Pages
- Added custom error pages to provide better user guidance during unexpected issues.
Bug Fixes :
1. Resolved an authentication issue where users and clients with the same email address were always logged in as users. The system now correctly distinguishes between user and client accounts.
2. Resolved error when a lifetime subscription and tenure is lifetime in subscription plan page.
3. Status and Priority comes undefined in the client login.
Other Changes:
1 Various minor improvements and optimizations throughout the application.
2 Added Missing and New Labels

Version 1.0.4​

( updated on 22-Aug-2024 )

New Features:
1. Dynamic Menu Reordering
- Implemented automatic menu reordering based on usage statistics
- Most frequently used items now appear at the top for easier access
2. Menu Search Functionality
- Added a search bar at the top of the menu
3. Kanban View for Projects
- Introduced a Kanban board layout for enhanced project management
- Users can now visualize project progress in a card-based format
4. Calendar View for Tasks
- Added a new calendar view for task management
- Users can now view tasks by day and month
5. Project Discussions
- Integrated a discussion/comment section within project detail views
- Team members can also post comments and attach files
6. Reports Section
- Introduced a comprehensive reports section including:
* Projects Report
* Tasks Report
* Invoices Report
* Income vs Expense Report
* Leave Report

1. Project Views Enhancement
- Added task count display to each project view
- Users can now see the total number of tasks at a glance

Bug Fixes:
- Various minor bug fixes and performance improvements
- Added Missing and New Labels

Version 1.0.3​

( updated on 29-Jul-2024 )

+ New Features & Improvements:
- Added priority levels for projects/tasks.
- Simplified status changes with optional notes.
- Quick view for project/task descriptions on hover.
- Optimized project/task info pages with tab views.
+ User Experience & Interface:
- Modal-based project/task creation & updates.
- Edit button with user/client listings.
- Customizable notifications for updates/leave requests.
- Rich text descriptions for projects, tasks, milestones, notes, and to-dos.
+ Task & Project Management:
- Task accessibility settings during creation/update.
- Auto pre-selecting user creating the task.
- Create status, priority, and tags without reloads.
- Scrollable project/task stats and ToDos.
+ Leave Management:
- "From" and "To" times for partial leave requests.
- Calendar view for birthdays, anniversaries, and leave.
- Leave request visibility options.
- Updated leave request details.
+ Notifications & Communication:
- Added WhatsApp notifications.
- Floating chat access via chat icon.
- Preferences for notification types.
- Team member on leave alert notifications.
+ UI Improvements & Bug Fixes:
- Improved ToDos order and task info page with tabs.
- Serial numbers/descriptions in invoice/estimate PDFs.
- Various UI improvements and bug fixes.
+ Miscellaneous Enhancements:
- Project and task discussions.
- Signup option with admin control.
- Internal client profiles.
- Filters in users and clients tables.
- Media-related activity logs and clickable assigned badges.
- Updated documentation for installation and auto-updater.