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Synchronization to Dolibarr ERP/CRM

PrestaShop Synchronization to Dolibarr ERP/CRM 8.2.0


Cyberoffice is an automatic synchronization module (webservices) from PrestaShop to Dolibarr ERP/CRM.
Very easy to install and simple to use.Everything will be automatically synchronized in real time in your Dolibarr ERP / CRM.

You will install easily the synchronization module to your PrestaShop store.
It will save you lot of time in sales management and accounting of your business.
This module is for all ecommercant who wishes to increase his available time to manage his store.
This will prevent input errors because no manual input will never need to integrate your products, your features, tour combinations, your prices, your customers, your inventory , orders , invoices, payments in your Dolibarr ERP / CRM.
Everything will be automatically synchronized in real time.
Any event in Prestashop will be updated in real time in Dolibarr.
  • Version 8.2.0
  • Downloads 12
  • Views 200
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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