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Support Ticket System For Woocommerce

Support Ticket System For Woocommerce 2.0.7


This extension provides a seamless support ticket system for general and order issues regarding your store, products, or services.

  • Users can submit general tickets for any issue
  • Customers can submit tickets for orders from their My Account pages
  • Guest users must create an account to submit tickets
  • A separate dashboard for customers to manage their tickets
  • Customers can see open and closed tickets from their dashboards
  • Customers can create a new ticket from their dashboards
  • Creates separate listing pages for support tickets

Add an Effective Support Ticket System to Your Store

The Support Ticket System for WooCommerce plugin provides a seamless ticket system to manage general and order tickets. This plugin enables a Submit Ticket button in the order tab of the user’s My Account page, and customers can click this button to submit the order ticket. It creates a ticket dashboard where customers can follow up with you on previous tickets and create new tickets. Guest users can also submit a ticket after creating a store account.
The Support Ticket System for WooCommerce plugin creates a separate landing page for ticket submissions. You will receive general and order tickets in different tabs making it easy to manage both types of tickets. You can view each ticket, the user’s details and then answer them right away using the WYSWYG editor.
You can ask any type of questions on the ticket submission form using 11 types of fields including text, select boxes, radio buttons, etc. You can allow customers to upload files with tickets. Email notifications are sent to customers after ticket submissions and at ticket closings.


Create general tickets

Allow customers to submit general tickets for any issue related to your online store.
woocommerce support ticket system plugin

Get order tickets

The Support Ticket System for WooCommerce plugin allows your customers to submit order tickets from their My Account pages.
woocommerce support ticket system plugin

Ask questions using 11 field types

You can ask customers multiple questions on the ticket submission form using 11 types of fields.
woocommerce support ticket system plugin

woocommerce support ticket system plugin

Enable dashboard for customers and admins

The Support Ticket System for WooCommerce plugin enables an informative dashboard for you and customers to manage their tickets.
woocommerce support ticket system plugin

woocommerce support ticket system plugin

Communicate with customers

You and the customer can communicate with each other from the support dashboard associates with the ticket.
woocommerce support ticket system plugin

Separate landing page for support tickets

The Support Ticket System for WooCommerce plugin creates a separate landing page for customers to submit tickets.
woocommerce support ticket system plugin

Customers can upload files

You can allow your customers to upload a file with the ticket.
woocommerce support ticket system plugin

Create separate tabs for general and order tickets

There are separate tabs for general and order tickets on the admin panel. So, you can manage both types of tickets easily.
woocommerce support ticket system plugin

Open or close tickets

The Support Ticket System for WooCommerce plugin allows you and customers to open and close tickets at any time.
woocommerce support ticket system plugin

Send email notifications

This extension automatically sends email notifications to customers at the opening or closing of tickets.
woocommerce support ticket system plugin


  • Improves the customer experience by providing a proper ticket system to resolve any issues.
  • You can ask for feedback after resolving customer issues with a seamless support ticket system.
  • Increases trust in your customer service.
  • It makes it easy for your support team to manage and answer tickets promptly.
  • Like
Reactions: ViktorGugo
  • Version 2.0.7
  • Downloads 11
  • Views 53
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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