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Super Speedy Search by WP Intense

Super Speedy Search by WP Intense 5.27

= 5.27 (11th March 2025) =
* Added aria-label to search form, uses placeholder text, if none used, defaults to 'Search' translated based on your localisation files
= 5.21 (18th February 2025) =
* Added fulltext index for HPOS order tables
* Added new filters to handle order search override for HPOS - order search is fast again!
* Updated DB version - a table rebuild is required to apply the new index
= 5.15 (19th November 2024) =
* Minor fix to hide the extra TranslatePress config stuff unless TranslatePress active
= 4.72 (17th July 2024) =
* Fixed issue with ordering by title and other orderings, both for ordering coming from URL and default settings