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Super Speedy Imports by WP Intense

Super Speedy Imports by WP Intense 1.58

= 1.58 (4th March 2025) =
* Code refactoring
* Improved performance reporting summary
* Improved logging
* Fixed issue with attributes to ensure it only updates attributes mentioned in the import
* Improved resilience of save_posts for the Woo Product template, now uses wc_get_product and $product->save etc
* Added extra output to end of import to inform admin of how to run the builds for regular woocommerce attributes
= 1.56 (7th February 2025) =
* Fixed progress indicator on save_posts

1.55 (5th February 2025)​

  • Fixed 'permanently delete' items vs move to trash - thanks to @AdamDar for this one!
  • Fixed issue with SQL to keep 'previously sold items'