- Developer
- Joomla School
The template is designed specifically for the creation or modernization of websites of institutions (educational organizations) of secondary vocational education. It is allowed to use the template on sites of a different orientation.
The theme of the template
The website of the educational organization.
Management system: Joomla 4.x.x
Management system: Joomla 5.x.x
CSS framework: Bootstrap 5
Additional features implemented in this template:
Built-in version for the visually impaired.
The color scheme settings of the template from the administrative part.
The connected icon library Font Awesome Free 5.15.4 (in the version for Joomla 4)
Connected icon library Font Awesome Free 6 (in the version for Joomla 5)
24 positions for placing modules
Automatic substitution of icons for links to various types of documents
Displaying the icon and information about the digital signature
In the demo version, micro markup templates for materials in the Information about an educational organization section have been added to the editor
Demo version of the template >>
Viewing module positions >>