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ST City - Joomla 4 and 5 template

ST City - Joomla 4 and 5 template 1.5

Joomla School

A template for creating a website for a government organization or municipality for the Joomla 5 management system.
Developer: Alexander Shupletsov (Joomla School).

Release date: 11.11.2022.

Update date: 11/21/2023.

Management system: Joomla 4.x.x

Management system: Joomla 5.x.x

CSS framework: Bootstrap 5.3

The new version of the template contains many useful features needed to create a modern Joomla website. It can be used on websites of any orientation.

Built-in features:

version for the visually impaired;
adjustable width of the container and side columns;
built-in Cookie Consent module;
customizable color scheme;
32 positions for modules;
four-level horizontal menu (opening sub-items by clicking or hovering, disabled menu locking when scrolling);
the menu in the sidebars (side menu) can work in three modes: tree-like (child menu items are not hidden), accordion menu (opening sub-items down by clicking), menu with opening sub-items left or right when hovering (the direction depends on which column the menu module is published in);
Social media icons (four customizable link icons) can be displayed in the top panel of the website and/or footer.;
separate layouts for the Latest Materials and Popular Materials modules (they allow you to display images of the introductory parts of the materials, the publication date and the number of views).
Code quality and download speed:

When writing the ST-Sity template, special attention was paid to the quality and validity of the code in accordance with modern web development standards.

Demo version >>
  • Version 1.5
  • Downloads 11
  • Views 220
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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