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SmartMag - Newspaper Magazine & News WordPress

SmartMag - Newspaper Magazine & News WordPress 10.2.0 NULLED

Version 10.2.0 - September 16, 2024
- 4 New Pre-made Demo Sites: Political, NationalPress, NewsOne24, TheVoiceDaily.
- Improved compatibility with WordPress 6.6.2+ and Elementor 3.24+.
- Added: 4 New importable homepages to Smart Studio.
- Added: 3 New preset Header Styles.
- Added: Option to adjust category size in post meta separately for single posts.
- Added: New main layout style Boxed B with Inner Content boxed.
- Added: Sticky Social Share alternate location option - in the post container.
- Added: Related Posts option for blocks/widgets for single page use - YARPP plugin also supported.
- Improved: Threads support is complete now with Social Follow & counters widget.
- Improved: Added option to hide top social follow buttons of single posts on phones.
- Improved: Options for Header social icons to be toggled on some small laptops.
- Improved: Set custom colors for single top social share icons.
- Improved: More device controls for margins and paddings of main layouts.
- Improved: Added option for max header inner width, for cases of very large resolutions.
- Improved: Image hover effects selection options from none, fade, or saturate.
- Improved: Numbered lists styling in small mobile phones.
- Improved: Image margin options for grid blocks in Elementor.
- Improved: Mobile editor blocks: group block pad, pullquotes align wide, and more.
- Improved: Logo padding adjustment option for mobile / tablet and alignment.
- Improved: Color transparency options added to several header elements.
- Improved: Further link underline options for single post page.
- Improved: Remove Elementor’s Swiper CSS unless required, when debloat plugin active.
- Improved: Category overlays focus disabled for accessibility noise reduction.
- Fixed: Large Centered post style social icons position.
- Fixed: Custom main layout padding for mobile devices.
- Fixed: Lazy load for image widget in Elementor.
- Fixed: Priority of assets from 10 to 21 for low specificity overrides of Elementor.
- Fixed: Logo size for mobile 2x larger enlarges when logo height less than header.
- Fixed: Snapchat social icon in all social areas.
- Compatibility with the latest WooCommerce 9.3.
- 8+ smaller fixes related to editor mobile responsiveness.
Version 10.1.0 - August 20, 2024
- Enhanced compatibility with WordPress v6.6.1+ and upcoming betas.
- Added: A programmatic filter for breadcrumbs labels.
- Added: Pagination support for pages when using default editor.
- Added: New social profiles Mastodon and Spotify and social follow widget.
- Improved: Blockquotes styling in the backend for latest Gutenberg.
- Improved: Table block styling in the backend for latest editor.
- Improved: Allow sponsors without a URL.
- Improved: Featured audio/video code width matches content size.
- Fixed: List styling after latest block editor updates.
- Fixed: Wide Line variation of the Separator block.
- Fixed: Schema currency when a price and currency is specified.
- Fixed: A deprecated error on PHP 8.3.
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Reactions: edgars221289
Version 10.0.0 - March 2, 2024
- 9 New Pre-made Demo Sites: Total over 50+ now.
- Added: Post Sponsor feature to add a sponsor info in single and listings post meta.
- Added: Mobile Scrolling Menu feature to have always visible links in menu.
- Added: 4 New preset Header Styles.
- Added: 9 New importable homepages to Smart Studio.
- Improved: LCP is improved with an improved images lazyload system.
- Improved: Ability to select no category for schema of application category.
- Improved: Added an option for default currency schema for Reviews, in customizer.
- Improved: Author profile URL is now added to review and article schemas.
- Improved: worstRating added to the review schema.
- Improved: Review schema for products now includes image field.
- Improved: Comment form reply title no longer using a h3 tag.
- Improved: Compatibility with Elementor’s new background image lazyload.
- Improved: Further improved PHP 8.3 compatibility in plugins.
- Improved: Hide any sticky header on opening of a lightbox.
- Improved: Added text color hover options for header buttons.
- Improved: Tumblr to social follow and counters widget.
- Improved: Last updated shown only if edited after a minute+ after publish.
- Improved: Gallery post format lightbox is now scrollable as well.
- Fixed: Some of review schema fields showing on form when they’re not applicable.
- Fixed: “Hide On Phones” setting for single top share text.
- Fixed: Profile page for authors with 0 posts.
- Fixed: A low severity security issue in Bunyad AMP.
- Updated Bunyad AMP with latest AMP specs and over 20 improvements.
Version 9.5.0 - November 22, 2023
- 4 New Pre-made Demo Sites: EverydayNews, CityToday, DigitalHub, WorldMag
- Added: Pros and Cons for Post Reviews with the relevant schema.
- Added: 2 New Header preset styles.
- Added: “Copy Link” feature option for the social sharing locations.
- Added: Post bottom social follow with Google News, Flipboard as new services.
- Added: Small follow bar option next to single post meta, best for Google News.
- Improved: Added additional review schema categories such as SoftwareApplication.
- Improved: Auto-excerpt function to many blocks such as embeds links.
- Improved: Review box responsiveness for some devices.
- Improved: UI of the backend for metaboxes, reviews boxes and responsiveness.
- Improved: Added an option to enable or disable review schemas.
- Improved: WPML configuration file compatibility with additional configs.
- Improved: All the new Google Fonts releases added with total 1580+.
- Improved: Added more post style customization options.
- Improved: Extra settings for containers in Elementor (beta) for dark mode and more.
- Improved: Main Layout Padding with a large number behavior on large tablet portraits.
- Improved: WordPress 6.4+ compatibility.
- Fixed: Preload for icons font may load incorrectly.
- Fixed: Sphere Core PHP notice related to version updater.
- Fixed: Accessibility issue in the off-canvas close button.
- Fixed: Lightbox gallery on Gutenberg galleries.
- Fixed: Theme preview not working for other themes with SmartMag Core.
- Fixed: Elementor Pro Compatibility - Template widget causing editor failure.
- Fixed: Dark mode border setting not applying in Elementor sporadically.
- Fixed: Post share top circles style expanding on some mobile devices.
- 40+ minor changes and improvements to styles and customizer options.
Version 9.3.0 - September 20, 2023
- Added: New X (Twitter) branding with the new X logo.
- Added: Performance option to auto skip lazyload for first N images.
- Added: Threads and Snapchat social profiles options.
- Added: Option in Elementor blocks to skip lazyload for N images for LCP.
- Added: Option to enable or disable context such as Category: in breadcrumbs.
- Added: Change headings tag for single sections like related posts, comments.
- Improved: Compatibility with Elementor v3.16.
- Improved: Removed deprecated methods and hooks for Elementor.
- Improved: LCP improvements for single post page.
- Fixed: Respect no-lazy and skip-lazy classes on images if set by 3rd party.
- Fixed: Packaged plugins updates
- Fixed: A few deprecated notices on PHP 8.2.
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
Version 9.2.0 - July 5, 2023
- 2 New Pre-made Demo Sites: SmartLife, MagazineCo.
- Smart Ad Blocker Detection system.
- Added: 3 New importable homepages to Smart Studio.
- Added: 12+ New importable sections/blocks to Smart Studio.
- Added: Tertiary font option for consistent settings.
- Added: New Post style variation Modern Featured Top.
- Added: Typography options for block filters.
- Added: Support for RankMath breadcrumbs in addition to Yoast and our own.
- Added: Adblocker message delay for X hours, dismissible and more.
- Added: An option to exclude current post on widgets and blocks.
- Added: Option to disable archive titles and set the title format.
- Added: More dynamic translation strings for WPML.
- Added: New importable newsletter section in Smart Studio.
- Added: Options to display single top social sharing on certain devices only.
- Improved: Added nofollow noopener to floating share and header/footer icons.
- Improved: LCP for first image is further optimized with priority now.
- Improved: Added a dev filter to replace subtitles.
- Improved: Breadcrumbs block in Elementor supports plugins now.
- Improved: Mobile view for post lists block when top meta category enabled.
- Improved: Custom breakpoints support in Elementor.
- Improved: Option to add media shadows per block.
- Fixed: Backend editor colors not applying to list block.
- Fixed: Rare case in auto-load post where first post has no sidebar.
- Fixed: Elementor Pro double footer issue when using a custom footer.
- Fixed: Column order setting in Elementor hidden after reload.
- Over 15 minor fixes and improvements.
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Reactions: need2heal
Version 9.1.0 - April 1, 2023
- WordPress 6.2 compatibility and improvements.
- 3 New Pre-made Demo Sites: FridayMag, Discover, SmartPost.
- Added: 3 New importable homepages to SmartStudio.
- Added: Auto Dark Mode setting to auto-set dark mode by user preference.
- Added: 2 New Header preset styles.
- Added: Enhancements for Elementor’s new Containers beta feature.
- Added: Carousels navigation distance option.
- Added: Scroll support to tables set as non-fixed in post editor.
- Added: 6 columns support for blocks in Elementor.
- Added: Option to adjust elements and paragraph gaps in single.
- Added: Plain quote styling and re-added large quote style for latest WP.
- Added: Another 135+ of the latest Google Fonts options.
- Added: Action hooks for social media rendering.
- Improved: Better PHP 8.1/8.2 compatibility (still beta in WordPress core).
- Improved: Search Icon size setting added for top bar.
- Improved: Custom Max Width setting compatibility with ads.
- Improved: Backend post editor styling of several blocks.
- Improved: Custom width support for top boxed sections in Elementor.
- Improved: New AMP features support such as redirect to mobile, and native img.
- Improved: Filters to override social share templates via child themes.
- Fixed: Conflict with ElementsKit plugin and search popup.
- Fixed: Spacing different for carousel nav dots when using Debloat plugin.
- Fixed: Post body links underline for Safari.
- Fixed: Social icon meta-right can cause errors in rare cases such as outdated overrides.
- Fixed: Demo Importer deprecated warning in WP 6.2.
- Updated Bunyad AMP with the latest specs and hundreds of fixes.
Version 9.0.0 - November 24, 2022
- 2 New Pre-made Demo Sites: Tech Blog, RTL / Arabic
- Added: New Post Style: Modern Large Bold variation.
- Added: New block heading styles.
- Added: 2 New social follow counter styles.
- Added: Card style for list posts in Elementor and list block/listing settings.
- Added: 30+ new customization options. Notable: Images shadows.
- Added: 2 importable homepages to SmartStudio.
- Added: 2 New single top social share styles and a new location option.
- Added: Gradient border options for header.
- Added: More options for grid posts in Customizer, such as column gap.
- Added: Share text label option for top social share on single.
- Added: Another 30+ of the latest Google Fonts options.
- Added: A new importable header preset.
- Added: Media Vertical centering to list posts.
- Added: Separate main colors options for dark mode.
- Added: Cards and stylish style options to grid block/listing settings.
- Added: Other 8+ Global block/listing options to set defaults such as different category overlay label per block/listing type.
- Added: Option to underline links in posts.
- Added: Customization options for reviews box.
- Added: Arabic translation for frontend with most of the important strings.
- Improved: More options for view more link in block headings.
- Improved: Select primary/secondary font for any typography setting in customizer.
- Improved: 14+ new customization features for headers, including gradient border.
- Improved: Default Large post style fluid font sizes on mobile.
- Improved: Text labels options for single post meta.
- Improved: Breadcrumbs customization options such as colors.
- Improved: Author box typography customization options.
- Improved: Customizer UI for RTL languages.
- Improved: Removed some unnecessary strings from translations.
- Fixed: Load more missing post format icons when using Debloat plugin.
- Fixed: Images roundness issue on old Safari browsers.
- Fixed: Top social icons width if set lower than 100px.
- Fixed: Translations for social follow intermittently not working.
- Fixed: Font weight 800+ not working in some customizations.
- Over 32 smaller fixes and improvements.
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Reactions: tatar221