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SmartCrawl Pro

SmartCrawl Pro 3.12.0 NULLED

3.12.0 - 2024-12-04
- Enhance: Code improvements
- Fix: Fixed missing OG Image tag when "Default Feature Image" is broken.
- Fix: Resolved "undefined" issue in Google Preview.
- Fix: Addressed fatal error with Cloudflare location-based redirection.
- Fix: Fixed redirect URL error on custom post types.
- Fix: Corrected issues with automatic linking for custom links.
- Fix: A notice related to load_plugin_textdomain appearing after upgrading to version 6.7.
3.11.0 - 2024-09-03
- Fix: Resolved issue where configuration did not work with Advanced Tools modules.
- Fix: Fixed permissions issue for Advanced Tools in multisite environments.
- Fix: Corrected issue with Author Schema.
- Fix: Fixed error in automatic linking when a slash is used between words.
- Fix: Resolved JavaScript error occurring when creating a redirect.
- Fix: Fixed issue where redirects were not working with URLs containing special characters.
- Fix: Fixed missing Advanced Tools after certain imports.
- Fix: Corrected missing uploadDate timezone in Video Schema.
- Fix: Fixed missing description and upload date metadata in YouTube playlists.
- Fix: Resolved issue with OpenGraph tags not being added if images are deleted from the media library.
- Enhance: Improve macros to support uppercase in custom fields.
- Enhance: White label improvements.
- Enhance: Site crawl cooldown timer.
- Enhance: Support spaces in redirect urls.
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Reactions: edgars221289
3.10.6 - 2024-05-10
- Fix: SEO Health checkup is failing.
3.10.2 - 2023-03-11
- Enhance: UI improvements in Advanced Tools.
- Enhance: Replace outdated logos.
- Enhance: PHP 8.1 support.
- Fix: WooCommerce settings changes do not reflect in Robots.txt preview.
- Fix: MaxMind db update is not working without page refresh.
- Fix: Unexpected notice in redirection regex settings.
- Fix: Default redirection type not working in URL Redirection.
- Fix: "Redirect To" will not allow adding URLs that are found in the content of Post,Page & Custom Post Type.
- Fix: SmartCrawl redirection suggestions block from selecting the correct URL.
- Fix: High Contrast Mode : Enable/Disable not working.
- Fix: Module is shown as inactive after saving advanced tools settings.
- Fix: Import Redirection does not contain "Redirect To" field.
- Fix: Automatic Linking and 301 Redirect are still visible in post/page editor if Advanced tools are not enabled on the subsite.
- Fix: Getting PHP WordPress Database error {table_prefix}_smartcrawl_redirects when there is no url_redirection added.
- Fix: Automatic Linking tab is not visible in the free version.
- Fix: Advanced Tools overview page is not visible when all sub-modules are deactivated.
- Fix: SEO Health and SEO Crawler Email Report not following schedule correctly.
- Fix: Error when trying to add a category to Custom Post type.
3.10.0 - 2023-02-05
- Enhance: Module management UI & UX.
- Enhance: Plugin conflict detection.
- Enhance: Redirection module.
- Fix: Deprecated warnings.
- Fix: Settings on Quick setup are not working as expected.
- Fix: Redirection settings can not be saved.
- Fix: Auto auto-linking feature is visible on the free version even though it is not working.
3.8.0 - 2023-10-24
- New: Location Based Redirects
- New: Smart Post and Page Selection for Redirects
- Fix: Secondary Keyword with Spaces not being displayed
- Fix: White Label Custom Logo is distorted and not square
- Fix: Meta preview does show when no content added in the default editor
- Fix: Can't enable Archive and Snippet options under Title & Meta > Homepage when Homepage is set to be a Static page
- Fix: Missing OpenGraph and Twitter per-post settings in on-page SEO SmartCrawl Meta Box
3.6.4 - 2023-06-06
- Improvement: Optimize codebase for better performance.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
3.6.1 - 2023-04-19
- Fix: Error on post and product edit pages.
- Fix: Primary category feature is missing.
- Fix: Composer autoload conflict.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
3.5.1 - 2023-03-14
- Fix: Remove unwanted filter.
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Reactions: edgars221289