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Skote is a fully featured premium admin dashboard template in VueJs and Laravel + VueJs with developer-friendly codes. It is based on Vue CLI & Vuex component framework with Firebase and fack-backend authentication and multi-langauges supported. We have not used jQuery in this template it’s a pure VueJs admin template with reusable components. Sketch, Figma & XD files are also available.

Skote is an admin dashboard template that is a beautifully crafted, clean & minimally designed admin template with Dark, Light Layouts with RTL options. You can build any type of web application like a Saas-based interface, eCommerce, CRM, CMS, Project management apps, Admin Panels, etc.

It will help your team move faster and save development costs and valuable time. If you’re a developer and looking for an admin dashboard that is fully responsive with Bootstrap and Vue.js without jQuery then you are at the right place to start your project using Skote.

Skote contains lots of new design widgets with responsiveness on all screens. Also, there are 6 different types of Layouts we have added. It is very easy to change any layout in your existing running application by changing a couple of lines of code only as it’s managed with scss. We have written standard and developer-friendly code to increase performance. Customize or create your own color scheme by changing the sass color variable’s value or creating a new color scheme file.

Added Laravel + Vue version with Starterkit for both versions. You can quickly start with the starter kit of Vuejs or Laravel + Vue version for your project. You can switch to any language and can able to add new languages that are managed with a JSON object.
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  • Version 4.1.2
  • Downloads 105
  • Views 1,079
  • Last Update
  • Rating 5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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