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Sitemap Generator for SEO (XML & HTML) Module

PrestaShop Sitemap Generator for SEO (XML & HTML) Module 1.1.3


Optimize the natural SEO of your site on all search engines by automatically generating your store's sitemaps in one click!

Increase traffic to your online store effortlessly: in a few clicks you will send all the search engines your sitemap and all the pages they must index!

What's a sitemap?
A sitemap is an XML or HTML file that shows the general architecture of your store with the resources and content in a hierarchy.

Make accessing your store easy for web crawlers and therefore your customers too!
XML sitemaps show search engine web crawlers a list of all your store's pages to browse and index as well as information on the nature of these elements and potentially on how to index them.

This has the advantage of increasing your store's placement in search results.

HTML sitemaps make it simpler to browse your website and provide a better buying experience for customers and therefore a lower bounce rate.

Automate the creation of sitemaps!
This module also enables you to automate your sitemap generation and the search engine optimization of your new products with cron tasks!
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Reactions: mikeacuario
  • Version 1.1.3
  • Downloads 53
  • Views 811
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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