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Simple Renew

Simple Renew 3.2.11

Simple Renew.png

The simple and reliable Joomla subscription extension​

Simple Renew is the simplest and most reliable way to build a Joomla membership site.

Over the last few years, we've managed to grow Joomlashack. Yes, we have some good extensions and templates, but one thing has made that growth possible: recurring subscriptions.

The most stable businesses are subscription businesses. If you're not there yet, you really should move your business over to subscription revenue. Our aim at Joomlashack is to help you make that move by creating a reliable subscription extension that's very easy-to-use: Simple Renew.

New subscribers are automatically added to Joomla​

Simple Renew works by creating users accounts for new subscribers. As soon as someone subscribes, they instantly become get an account in the user group you choose.

Support for Stripe and Recurly​

You can choose between using Stripe.com or Recurly.com to process payments: these are two of the most reliable payment gateways for subscriptions.

Manage your subscriptions from the backend​

You can create and edit your plans directly in the Joomla admin area. The settings are synchronized with Stripe or Recurly.

Create plans in a friendly way​

The "Create plan" screen is so easy to fill in. Type only the required details for your plans.

Test environment support​

You can take advance of the Stripe or Recurly test environments. This will help you to test purchases without real money on the way. Once you're ready, switch to the "Live" mode.

Different styles to match your site's design​

Simple Renew comes with 4 themes to match your site's design. Optionally you can create your own design if you have expertise with CSS.

Advanced options​

Simple Renew is easy to setup, however we also include extra settings to allow you more control of your subscriptions.
  • Version 3.2.11
  • Downloads 24
  • Views 540
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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