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Sensei Pro (WC Paid Courses)

Sensei Pro (WC Paid Courses)

2024-04-25 - version
* Sanitize user's display name
* Add support for VideoPress block on video integrations
* Fix students' last activity date in Groups
* Sell course with woocommerce tour not appearing
* Show Groups in menu only for admins
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Reactions: MarkDragon
2024-04-04 - version
* Sensei LMS: Version bump to 4.23.0 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Automattic/sensei/version/4.23.0/changelog.txt
* Sensei Pro: Version bump to 1.23.0
* Add Sensei home task for creating new product
* Fix course expiration to distinguish between course access and course enrolment
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Reactions: MarkDragon
2024-01-17 - version
* Content drip not working when Jetpack is enabled issue solved
* Prevent an error in rare cases when both WooCommerce and WP Activity Log are active
* Prevent an error log related to Woo HPOS support
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Reactions: MarkDragon
2023-09-13 - version
* Sensei LMS: Version bump to 4.17.0 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Automattic/sensei/version/4.17.0/changelog.txt
* Sensei Pro: Version bump to 1.17.0
* Added functionality to deactivate license directly within the plugin.
* Added functionality to view and modify licenses within the plugin.
* Changed the styles of pro question and answers
* Fix issue with widgets not being loaded.
* Fix translations when woothemes-sensei and sensei-lms are both active
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
2023-06-01 - version
* Sensei LMS: Version bump to 4.15.0 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Automattic/sensei/version/4.15.0/changelog.txt
* Sensei Pro: Version bump to 1.15.0
* Improve the Learning Mode experience
* Fix error when course enrolment job runs
* Fix visibility of Header and Course Navigation on Modern template of Learning Mode
2022-12-06 - version
* Sensei LMS: Version bump to 4.9.0 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Automattic/sensei/version/4.9.0/changelog.txt
* Sensei Pro: Version bump to 1.9.0
* Add support for Co-Teachers.
* Give Teachers the ability to edit Questions for Courses on which they are a Co-Teacher.
* Fix error when removing partial refund of a course order
* Add access period and course pricing slot fills for Sensei Course Settings.
* Fix ordering question removing classic editor support
* Support wp.com purchase plans on Sensei Pro (Paid Courses) plugin.
* Fixes issue of email not being sent for content drip at scheduled time
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Reactions: tatar221