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Search & Filter Pro – The Ultimate WordPress Filter Plugin + Extensions

Search & Filter Pro – The Ultimate WordPress Filter Plugin + Extensions 3.1.4 NULLED

= 3.1.4 =
* New - set field defaults and autodetect default values from archives or posts.
* Improvement - better compatibility with block editor layouts and query loops.
* Change - renamed the query and fields Javascript `remove()` function to `unload()`.
* Fix - regression with ACF fields not generating their options properly.
* Fix - issues when using WooCommerce Collections in the block editor.
* Fix - script errors in the block editor.
* Fix - update the indexer table to support longer values, matching the max length of taxonomy slugs.
= 3.1.3 =
* Fix - issues with indexing some ACF fields.
* Fix - error when the site can't connect to Search & Filter update servers.
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Reactions: sibwinner
= 3.1.0 =
* New - updates to support the integration with the Dynamic Content for Elementor plugin.
* New - support for custom WooCommerce stock statuses in fields.
* New - show out of stock option for WooCommerce fields.
* New - filter on product tags, categories and brand archives.
* Improvement - update the results shortcode template to automatically support the "load more" button
* Improvement - add additional CSS properties to range sliders to prevent themes from overriding styling (Astra)
* Improvement - click on range sliders to set automatically set the handle locations.
* Improvement - add plugin action link to the settings page.
* Improvement - stop disabling the checkbox on the plugins screen for the base plugin.
* Fix - issues with indexing WooCommerce product variations.
* Fix - an issue with the WooCommerce shop not completing ajax requests.
* Fix - an issue with WooCommerce category fields when displaying hierarchically.
* Fix - issues with WP 6.7 and loading translations too early.
* Fix - auto submit was not working with the date picker.
* Fix - issues when editing range fields, prompting for the field to be saved when no changes had been made.
* Fix - issues with floating point calculations in range fields.
* Fix - issues with date fields when connected to custom fields or ACF data - rebuild the indexer if you are using these.
* Fix - an issue with autodetecting min/max with range fields.
* Fix - links with URL fragments caused issues with live search.
= 3.0.6 =
* Improvement - allow option for the indexer to build when loopback requests fail - enable via -> `settings` -> `indexer` -> disable `use background process`
* Fix - an issue with some optimization plugins stripping out our initialisation JS.
* Fix - the sort order field was not working when the indexer was enabled.
* Fix - an issue when showing available meta keys.
* Fix - prevent activating the Search & Filter base plugin if its a really old version (1.x).
* Fix - some tables were not being uninstalled when the option to remove all data was enabled.
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 3.0.5 =
* New - add option to hide fields when they don't have any choices available.
* New - improve text search for ACF fields and add support for searching inside ACF repeater fields.
* New - add support for ACF taxonomy fields.
* New - allow integration plugins to be downloaded directly from the integrations screen.
* New - add ordering parameters to autocomplete fields (order suggestions alphabetically, ascending and descending)
* Improvement - when checking for updates ensure all related plugin updates are also available.
* Improvement - increase specificity of our range slider CSS classes for better consistency.
* Change - JavaScript APIs have been restructured and renamed.
* Fix - remove debugging tools warnings when using auto submit on fields.
* Fix - load more button was not being affected by the width settings.
* Fix - fields are now properly restored when they are inside a dynamic update section.
* Fix - auto detect min/max for ranges was causing an error in admin screens.
* Fix - indexer status was not correctly updated.
* Fix - the search field would cause a double submit when the auto submit setting was enabled.
= 3.0.3 =
* New - added Relevanssi integration.
* Improvement - stability, speed and accuracy improvements for the indexer.
* Fix - issues with the load more control not working properly in some circumstances.
* Fix - issues with pagination not working in results shortcodes.
* Fix - issue in our php results template file causing issues in some setups.
* Fix - an issue with the pagination parameters appearing multiple times in a URL.
* Fix - issues with Cron schedules.
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 3.0.2 =
* Improvement - add message when a license has no activations left.
* Improvement - show the results shortcode and allow for copy and paste in the query editor.
* Fix - issue with the toggle icon not appearing in labels.
* Fix - fatal error when using `post__in` in queries connected to S&F.
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 3.0.1 =
* New - allow disabling the "scroll to" option in the query settings.
* New - add support for ACF date picker and date time picker fields.
* New - add sorting options for custom fields + ACF fields.
* Improvement - prevent disabling the base plugin unless the pro plugin is disabled.
* Fix - various issues with the indexer and showing the indexer status.
* Fix - an issue where custom fields were showing a limited number of options.
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 3.0.0 =
* Fix - issue with the loading icon position.
* Fix - issue with count formatting.
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Reactions: ViktorGugo