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Search & Filter Pro – The Ultimate WordPress Filter Plugin + Extensions

Search & Filter Pro – The Ultimate WordPress Filter Plugin + Extensions 3.1.4 NULLED

= 2.5.19 =
* Update WooCommerce and WordPress core supported versions.
= 2.5.18 =
* Security - a fix for a low risk security issue has been applied which can only be exploited via an admin page, by an administrator account - the frontend is unaffected.
* Update - add support for WooCommerce HPOS.
* Fix - an issue while caching and a WooCommerce product was not found.
* Fix - an issue with the range slider not being reset correctly under certain conditions.
* Fix - add support for multibyte spaces in search terms.

* New - add support for Dynamic.ooo Dynamic Archives widget.
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 2.5.17 =
* Fix - Deprecated issues and compatibility with PHP 8.2
* Fix - an issue with negative number ranges not working in some scenarios
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 2.5.16 =
* Fix - an issue with our pagination functions causing fatal errors.
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 2.5.15 =
* New - Add debugging hooks
* Fix - an undefined index warning in the active query class
* Fix - undefined index warnings when "include with children" is used in a taxonomy field
* Fix - check to make sure wc_get_product is available before using it
* Fix - add date sorting options to the secondary sort in the query settings
* Fix - add new pagination functions for our results.php template to work around issues with pagination not displaying in some scenarios
* Fix - infinite scroll was not triggering in some scenarios when the class name used was found on other parts of the page
= 2.5.14 =
* New - Add support for PODS date format in our date picker
* New - Add `search_filter_cache_should_index_post` filter to conditionally exclude posts from the cache
* Fix - An issue where a product variation was not synced correctly when only the variation was updated
* Fix - An issue when using a number range field and using a step value between 0 and 1.
* Improvement - hide ajax settings when using 3rd party integrations
* Improvement - add support for PHP 8.1 and 8.2